eCourts Project (Indian Express)

  • 15 Sep 2023

What is the News ?

The Union Cabinet recently gave the green light to the third phase of the eCourts Projects, allocating a budget of ?7,210 crore for it.

Facts About:

  • The eCourts Project is a nationwide initiative aimed at modernizing the Indian judiciary by using technology.
  • It all began with the 'National Policy and Action Plan for Implementation of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the Indian Judiciary – 2005,' proposed by the eCommittee of the Supreme Court of India.
  • This committee was formed by the Government of India in response to a suggestion from the Chief Justice of India.
  • Its purpose is to develop a national strategy for computerizing the Indian judiciary and advise on technological and management-related improvements.
  • This project covers all District Courts across India and is overseen and funded by the Department of Justice under the Ministry of Law and Justice, Government of India

The eCourts Project has several key goals:

  • Providing efficient and citizen-centric services in a timely manner.
  • Implementing decision support systems in courts.
  • Automating processes to increase transparency and access to information.
  • Boosting judicial productivity to make the justice system affordable, accessible, cost-effective, predictable, reliable, and transparent.
  • Phase I of the eCourts Project was completed in 2015, computerizing 14,249 court sites. Phase II expanded this effort, computerizing 18,735 District and Subordinate courts.