Armed Forces Tribunal (Indian Express)

  • 27 Sep 2023

What is the News ?

The Armed Forces Tribunal (AFT) Chandigarh Bench Bar Association has taken the step of going on an unlimited strike. This strike is a response to the decision made by the AFT chairperson to move a judicial member from Chandigarh to Kolkata.

Facts About:

  • The Armed Forces Tribunal (AFT) is like a special court in India for military matters, and it started in 2009 under the Armed Forces Tribunal Act, 2007.
  • What it does: It deals with arguments and complaints about things like appointments, jobs, and the rules for people who are part of the Army, Navy, and Air Force.
  • It handles appeals when someone disagrees with the decisions made by military courts.
  • If the military court's decision seems right, the Tribunal can say so.

              But if it's not right, the Tribunal can change it.

  • If someone doesn't agree with what the Tribunal says, they can only go to the Supreme Court to argue their case.
  • The AFT has its main office in New Delhi, and there are eight other offices in different cities.
  • Each office has two important people:

             A Judicial Member who is a retired High Court Judge and

             An Administrative Member who is a retired Armed Forces officer with a high rank.

  • Sometimes, a Judge Advocate General (JAG) who has been in the job for at least a year can also be an Administrative Member.
  • How it works:

            The Tribunal follows certain rules for how they do things, and they use English for all their work.

            They usually do things the way High Courts in India do them.

Dadasaheb Phalke Award (PIB)

  • 27 Sep 2023

What is the News ?

The Union Minister of Information & Broadcasting has just revealed some exciting news. The renowned actress, Ms. Waheeda Rehman, is set to receive the Dadasaheb Phalke Lifetime Achievement Award for the year 2021.

Facts About:

  • The Dadasaheb Phalke Award is India's top honor in the world of cinema.
  • Every year, it's given out at the National Film Awards ceremony, organized by the Directorate of Film Festivals, part of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting.
  • This award is for people who have made a really big and important contribution to Indian cinema.
  • When someone gets this award, they receive a special Golden Lotus medal, a shawl, and 10 lakh rupees in cash.
  • The award was created by the Government of India to remember Dadasaheb Phalke, who's often called "the father of Indian cinema."
  • It all began in 1969, and the first person to receive it was the famous actress Devika Rani, known as "the first lady of Indian cinema.

Chincholi Wildlife Sanctuary (The Hindu)

  • 27 Sep 2023

What is the News ?

The Chincholi Wildlife Sanctuary is like a lush oasis in a large, dry area that covers seven districts in the northeastern part of Kalyana Karnataka, Karnataka.

Facts About:

  • It's located near the Chandrampalli Dam in Karnataka's Kalaburagi district.
  • This sanctuary was officially established in 2011.
  • It's special because it's the first dry land Wildlife Sanctuary in South India.
  • This area in the Hyderabad Karnataka Region is known for having a lot of different plant species.
  • You can find a mix of forests, including dry and moist deciduous areas, with Acacia and Teak trees on the edges.
  • Some important plants include medicinal herbs, Red Sanders, and Sandalwood.
  • As for animals, it's home to Black Bucks, Common Foxes, Four-horned Antelopes, Hyenas, Indian Wolves, and more.

                  There are also 35 different types of birds here.

  • A special mention goes to the Lambani Tandas, a protected tribal community that lives in harmony with nature in this area.

World Coffee Conference (The Hindu)

  • 27 Sep 2023

What is the News ?

The 5th World Coffee Conference (WCC) is happening in Bengaluru, and it's a joint effort by the International Coffee Organization (ICO), the Coffee Board of India, and the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India, along with the Government of Karnataka.

Facts About:

  • This is the first time India is hosting this conference.
  • In the past, the conference has been held in London (2001), Brazil (2005), Guatemala (2010), and Ethiopia (2016).
  • The event is a collaboration between the Coffee Board, the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, and the International Coffee Organization.
  • The conference's mascot is Coffee Swami.
  • The main theme of the conference is "Sustainability through Circular Economy and Regenerative Agriculture.

About the International Coffee Organization:

  • The organization was created in 1963 with support from the United Nations after the first International Coffee Agreement was approved in 1962.
  • The ICO is a special international group that brings together countries that export and import coffee.
  • Right now, it represents a big part of the world's coffee - 93% of coffee production and 63% of coffee consumption.
  • Their mission is to make the coffee business better all around the world in a way that's good for everyone involved.
  • There are 49 countries in this group, with 42 of them exporting coffee and 7 of them importing it. India is one of these member countries.

Promotion of Research and Innovation in Pharma (PRIP) scheme (PIB)

  • 27 Sep 2023

What is the News ?

The Indian Government, led by the Minister of Chemicals and Fertilizers and the Minister of Health & Family Welfare, has just introduced a new program called PRIP. This program aims to support and encourage research and innovation in the Pharma and MedTech sectors.

Facts About:

  • The PRIP scheme has a clear goal: to shift the Indian pharmaceutical sector from being focused on costs to being driven by innovation.

            This means we want to encourage more research and new ideas in the country.

  • Aim: We want to create stronger connections between industries and educational institutions to do research in important areas.

            This will help us build a culture of high-quality research and support our scientists.

  • By doing this, we hope India will be more competitive on the global stage, and it will also create better job opportunities.
  • How Long It Will Last: This program will run for five years, from 2023-24 to 2027-28.
  • The Scheme Has Two Parts:

Part A: We will invest Rs 700 Crores to set up 7 Centers of Excellence (CoEs) at the National Institutes of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPERs). These will focus on specific areas of research.

Part B: We will support research in six important areas like new medicines, complex generics, medical devices, stem cell therapy, rare disease drugs, and fighting against drug resistance. This will also include helping industries, small businesses, startups, and academic research.

  • Total Budget: The program has a total budget of Rs. 4250 Crores.
  • This scheme is all about making pharmaceutical research in India stronger and more innovative.
  • It will support researchers and industries working on important health-related projects.