Insurance Surety Bonds (PIB)

  • 25 Aug 2023

What is the News ?

The National Highways Authority of India (NHAI)is advocating for the adoption of surety bond insurance products for highway projects

Facts About:

These bonds can be defined in their simplest form as a written agreement to guarantee compliance, payment, or performance of an act.

These are instruments where insurance companies act as ‘Surety’ and provide the financial guarantee that the contractor will fulfil its obligation as per the agreed terms.

Surety is a unique type of insurance because it involves a three-party agreement.

The three parties in a surety agreement are:

  • Principal: The party that purchases the bond and undertakes an obligation to perform an act as promised.
  • Surety: The insurance company or surety company that guarantees the obligation will be performed. If the principal fails to perform the act as promised, the surety is contractually liable for losses sustained.
  • Obligee: The party who requires and often receives the benefit of the surety bond. For most surety bonds, the obligee is a local, state or federal government organisation.

What are the advantages?

  • It will act as a security arrangement for infrastructure projects and will insulate the contractor as well as the principal.
  • The product will cater to the requirements of a diversified group of contractors, many of whom are operating in today’s increasingly volatile environment.
  • The product gives the principal a contract of guarantee that contractual terms and other business deals will be concluded in accordance with the mutually agreed terms.
  • In case the contractor doesn’t fulfil the contractual terms, the Principal can raise a claim on the surety bond and recover the losses they have incurred.
  • Unlike a bank guarantee, the Surety Bond Insurance does not require large collateral from the contractor, thus freeing up significant funds for the contractor, which they can utilise for the growth of the business.
  • The product will also help in reducing the contractors’ debts to a large extent, thus addressing their financial worries.




National Medical Commission (Indian Express)

  • 25 Aug 2023

What is the News ?

The National Medical Commission (NMC) has put on hold the regulations that make it mandatory for doctors to prescribe generic drugs.

Facts About:

  • In light of the criticism received by the Indian Medical Association (IMA) as well as the as the Indian Pharmaceutical Alliance (IPA), the National Medical Commission put on hold the Medical Practitioner (Professional Conduct) Regulations, 2023.
  • Even the country’s apex drug regulator, the Central Drugs Standard Drug Control Organisation (CDSCO), questioned the language in the notification.
  • The participating bodies suggested that the guidelines be kept in abeyance until the WHO’s good manufacturing practices are implemented.
  • The participants said that prescribing only generic drugs will prompt pharmacies to sell generic drugs at high-profit margins, disincentivising firms that manufacture quality branded generics

National Medical Commission:

  • The National Medical Commission is a statutory body established under the National Medical Commission Act, 2019.
  • The NMC replaced the erstwhile Medical Council of India (MCI) which was established in 1934.

Objectives of NMC –

  • Improve access to quality and affordable medical education;
  • Ensure availability of adequate and high-quality medical professionals in all parts of the country;
  • Promote equitable and universal healthcare that encourages community health perspective and makes services of medical professionals accessible to all the citizens;
  • Encourages medical professionals to adopt latest medical research in their work and to contribute to research;
  • Objectively assess medical institutions periodically in a transparent manner;
  • Maintain a medical register for India;
  • Enforce high ethical standards in all aspects of medical services;
  • Have an effective grievance redressal mechanism.

Composition of NMC –

  • NMC is a 25-member body, majority of them being nominated by the Central government.
  • Tenure of NMC members is four years (except for part-time members whose tenure is two years).
    • The NMC has 11 part-time members representing states or state medical councils.
  • The NMC chairpersons and other members, nominated by the Central government, cannot be renominated.
  • Any decision requires approval of the majority (minimum 13 out of 25) of the Commission.

Medical Practitioner (Professional Conduct) Regulations, 2023:

  • On August 2nd, the National Medical Commission had published the Medical Practitioner (Professional Conduct) Regulations, 2023 aimed at reshaping prescription practices.
  • It mandated that registered medical practitioners prescribe medications using “generic”, “non-proprietary”, or “pharmacological” names.
  • The guidelines define a generic drug as a “drug product that is comparable to brand/reference listed product in dosage form, strength, route of administration, quality and performance characteristics, and intended use.”
  • It says branded generic drug is one which has come off patent and is manufactured by drug companies and sold under different companies’ brand names.
  • The guidelines say, “Every RMP (Registered Medical Practitioner) should prescribe drugs using generic names written legibly and prescribe drugs rationally, avoiding unnecessary medications and irrational fixed-dose combination tablets.”
  • The guidelines have also talked about punitive measures against those violating the directive.
  • Besides the instructions on generic drugs, the NMC guidelines included directives on issues ranging from continued medical education, usage of social media platforms and maintaining a dynamic register of doctors.
  • It also barred doctors from attending events sponsored by pharmaceutical companies.
  • However, the NMC guidelines have not gone down well with the Indian Medical Association (IMA).

 Issued Raised by the Indian Medical Association (IMA):

  • The IMA issued a statement in response to the regulations introduced by the NMC.
  • The IMA says the biggest impediment to generic drugs is the uncertainty about its quality.
  • IMA said that the quality control in the nation being very weak, there’s practically no guarantee of the quality of drugs and prescribing drugs without assured quality would be detrimental to patient health.
    • The statement added that less than 0.1% of the drugs manufactured in India are tested for quality.
  • The IMA said that step should be deferred till the Government can assure the quality of all the drugs released into the market.
  • The statement says patient care and safety are not negotiable.
  • The IMA says it has been demanding for long that only good quality drugs should be made available in the country and prices should be uniform and affordable.
  • It urges the Government to have ‘one drug, one quality, one price’ system whereby all brands should either be sold at the same price or banned and only generics allowed while ensuring highest quality of these drugs.



Gene-Edited Mustard (Indian Express)

  • 25 Aug 2023

What is the News ?

Indian scientists have developed the first ever low-pungent mustard that is pest and disease-resistant. It is based on CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing.

Facts About:

  • Among India’s domestically grown oilseeds, rapeseed-mustard stands out.
  • However, its pungent oil and unpalatable meal have posed challenges for both consumers and livestock.
  • Scientists have undertaken breeding efforts to create Canola-quality (white) mustard with reduced pungency and improved meal quality.

About Rapeseed-Mustard

  • Rapeseed-Mustard: India’s significant oilseed is rapeseed-mustard, contributing significantly to vegetable oil production and meal availability.
  • Pungency: Mustard seeds contain glucosinolates, compounds that give the oil and meal their pungent flavor and odor.

Quest for Canola-Quality Mustard

  • Canola-Quality Pursuit: Scientists aimed to breed mustard lines with low glucosinolate content similar to Canola.
  • Reducing Pungency: Efforts to create low-pungency oil and meal have faced challenges due to the necessity of glucosinolates in plant defense.
  • Vulnerability to Pests and Diseases: Canola-quality mustard lines have not been cultivated extensively due to their susceptibility to pests and diseases.

Role of Gene Editing

  • Innovative Research: Gene editing emerges as a solution to balance glucosinolate levels for improved quality and plant defence.
  • CRISPR/Cas9 Approach: Researchers used CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing tool to target and modify 10 out of 12 GTR genes in Indian mustard.
  • Achieving Desired Changes: Editing GTR genes led to lower glucosinolate content in seeds while preserving higher levels in leaves and pod walls.

Benefits of GE Mustard

  • Easy Synthesis: Glucosinolates are synthesized in mustard leaves and pod walls before translocation to seeds.
  • Dual Benefit of Glucosinolates: The study revealed that edited mustard lines with low-seed glucosinolates exhibited improved defence against pests and diseases.

Distinction between GE and GM

  • GE Mustard: The new mustard lines are genome-edited (GE), not genetically modified (GM).
  • Transgene-Free Solution: Unlike GM crops with foreign genes, GE lines have no foreign DNA and no residual gene-editing tools.

Regulatory Considerations and Future Prospects

  • Regulation Changes: India’s regulatory environment is shifting, exempting GE plants free of exogenous introduced DNA from stringent approval requirements.
  • Potential Field Trials: Scientists are preparing for open field trials of GE mustard, with expectations to conduct them in the upcoming planting season.
  • Importance of Self-Reliance: With massive edible oil imports, domestic oilseed production through breeding advancements like GE mustard becomes vital for self-reliance.

Economic Implications and Self-Sufficiency

  • Importance of Oilseeds: India’s substantial edible oil imports highlight the need for boosting domestic oilseed production.
  • Mustard’s Role: Mustard’s high oil content and protein-rich meal position it as a significant oilseed crop.
  • Potential Benefits: Both GE mustard and GM hybrid mustard have the potential to reduce dependence on imported vegetable oils.


  • The journey of rapeseed mustard from its pungent state to a potentially improved, self-sufficient crop demonstrates the power of innovative breeding techniques.
  • The breakthrough in gene editing opens doors to balancing quality and plant defence.



India and the Northern Sea Route (NSR) (The Hindu)

  • 25 Aug 2023

What is the News ?

Murmansk, the beginning point of the Northern Sea Route (NSR), is witnessing the rising trend of Indian involvement in cargo traffic.

Facts About:

What is Northern Sea Route?

  • It is the shortest shipping route for freight transportation between Europe and countries of the Asia-Pacific region, straddles four seas of the Arctic Ocean. 
  • Coverage- It runs around 5,600 km, the Route begins at the boundary between the Barents and the Kara seas (Kara Strait) and ends in the Bering Strait (Provideniya Bay).
  • Save distance- Distance savings along the NSR can be as high as 50% compared to the currently used shipping lanes via Suez or Panama.
  • The traditional Suez Canal route is 8000 km longer than Northern Sea passage.
  • 2021 blockage- The 2021 blockage of the Suez Canal, which forms part of the widely-used maritime route involving Europe and Asia, has led to greater attention on the NSR.
  • Navigability- Arctic Ocean remain icebound during most of the year, the icebreaking assistance is organised to ensure safe navigation along the NSR.

What are the advantages of Northern Sea Route?

  • Profitable-It is a strategically important transport artery; it is economically profitable when comapared with Suez Canal.
  • Save fuel- It will save fuel due to reduced distance.
  • Cost effective- The shorter distance reduces the cost of staff labor and chartering vessels.
  • The route does not charge payments for the passage unlike Suez Canal.
  • Time saving-There are no queues (unlike, for example, the Suez Canal);
  • Safety- There is no risk of a pirate attack.

Why Arctic region is so significant for India?

  • Impact on India-The vulnerability of the Arctic region leads to unprecedented changes in the climate.
  • This may have an impact on India in terms of economic security, water security and sustainabilit
  • Svalbard Treaty- India’s engagement with the Arctic can be traced to the signing of the Svalbard Treaty in 1920.
  • Conduct studies: Indian conducts studies regarding atmospheric, biological, marine, hydrological, glaciological events.
  • Arctic Council- Arctic Council addresses the issues faced by governments in the region and the indigenous people of the Arctic.
  • India is an observer state in Arctic Council including China. 
  • Himadri research station- India's first permanent Arctic research station located at Spitsbergen, Svalbard, Norway. 
  • It is located at the International Arctic Research base, Ny-Alesund.
  • Infrastructural base- 
    1. Multi-sensor moored observatory was inaugurated in 2014
    2. Northernmost atmospheric lab was launched in 2016
  • Successful expeditions- India conducted around 13 successful expeditions to Arctic till 2022.
  •  Arctic Policy of 2022It mentions that the country’s approach to economic development of the region is guided by UN Sustainable Development Goals.
  • Potential for minerals- The region constitutes the largest unexplored prospective area for hydrocarbons remaining on the earth. 
  • There may be significant reserves of coal, zinc, and silver.
  • Institutional support- In 2018 India renamed National Centre for Antarctic and Ocean Research to National Centre for Polar and Ocean Research. 
  • It shows India’s refocusing priorities in Arctic region.

What are the driving factors for India to participate in the NSR development?

  • Growth in cargo traffic- India engagement in NSR is on the constant rise and during 2018-2022, the growth rate was around 73%. 
  • Last year, the volume of cargo traffic was 34.117 million tonnes. 
  • India-Russia trade- India increasingly imports crude oil and coal from Russia in recent years.
  • The record supplies of energy resources for the Indian economy are possible due to such a reliable and safe transport artery as the NSR.
  • Transit route- NSR assumes importance, given India’s geographical position and the major share of its trade associated with sea transportation.
  • East meets East- In 2019 India and Russia signed Chennai-Vladivostok Maritime Corridor (CVMC) project. 
  • It is signed  as one linking with another organise international container transit through the NSR. 
  • Reduce travel time-The 10,500 km-long CVMC, passing through the Sea of Japan, the South China Sea and Malacca Strait, will bring down transport time to 12 days.
  • This is almost a third of what is taken under the existing St. Petersburg-Mumbai route of 16,000 km.
  • Chennai Port Trust study- Fuel and fertilisers are some of the cargo that can be imported from Russia to India through CVMC.

What lies ahead?

  • NSR development plan- It is approved until 2035 by Russia, this sets the cargo traffic target as 80 million tonnes and 150 million tonnes for 2024 and 2030.
  •  The plan approval took place amid economic sanctions imposed by the West against Russia following the latter’s war with Ukraine.
  • Chennai-Vladivostok Maritime Corridor project-Workshop featuring stakeholders from the two countries, is expected to be held in the second half of October.

