US – India Strategic Clean Energy Partnership (Indian Express)

  • 31 Aug 2023

What is the News ?

Renewable Energy Technology Action Platform under the US – India Strategic Clean Energy Partnership.

Facts About:

In August 2023, the U.S.-India Renewable Energy Technology Action Platform (RETAP) was launched under the Strategic Clean Energy Partnership.

RETAP was established to take bilateral collaboration further with a result-oriented, time-bound technology focus. 

It is intended to advance new and emerging renewable technologies with a view toward deployment and scaling. 

RETAP’s initial focus is to be on green/clean hydrogen, wind energy, long long-duration energy storage, and to explore geothermal energy, ocean/tidal energy and other emerging technologies as mutually determined in the future.

The initial work plan is guided by the following five themes:

  • Research & Development
  • Piloting & Testing of Innovative Technologies
  • Advanced Training & Skill Development
  • Policy and Planning for Advancing RET and Enabling Technologies
  • Investment, Incubation and Outreach programmes




Air Quality Life Index (AQLI) report (Economic Times)

  • 31 Aug 2023

What is the News ?

Annual update of the Air Quality Life Index (AQLI) 2023 has been released.

Facts About:

India ranked second among the countries worst hit by air pollution with Bangladesh topping the list. 

  • Nepal ranked third followed by Pakistan and Mongolia.

PMI in South Asia: Particulate pollution has increased9.7 percent from 2013 to 2021 in South Asia.

  • In India, PM2.5 levels rose 9.5 percent; in Pakistan 8.8 percent; and in Bangladesh, levels rose by 12.4 percent over this same time interval.

Life Expectancy: An average Indian citizen loses around 5.3 years of life expectancy due to air pollution.

  • While an average citizen in Bangladesh loses 6.8 years of their life to air pollution
  • An average Chinese citizen has seen an improvement — from 4.7 years of life expectancy being lost in 2013 to 2.5 now, an improvement of 2.2 years,

Pollution in India: Pollution in India has increased from 56.2 µg/m3 in 2020 to 58.7 µg/m3 in 2021. 

  • This is more than 10 times the WHO guideline of 5 µg/m3.

Health Risk: Pollution is biggest threat to human health in India in terms of lowering life expectancy, beating cardiovascular diseases and child and maternal malnutrition. 

  • While particulate pollution takes 5.3 years off the life of the average Indian, cardiovascular diseases reduce life expectancy by about 4.5 years, and child and maternal malnutrition reduces life expectancy by 1.8 years.

Poor AIr in Delhi: It is the most polluted city in the world.

  • Delhi’s annual average PM2.5 level in 2021 was found to be 126.5 µg/m3, which is more than 25 times the World Health Organization (WHO) guideline of 5 µg/m3.
  • Delhi residents are on track to lose 11.9 years of life expectancy on average relative to the WHO limit and 8.5 years relative to the national guideline if the current pollution levels persist.

About Air Quality Life Index (AQLI)

  • AQLI measures the impact of particulate pollution on life expectancy.
  • It is released by Energy Policy Institute at University of Chicago (EPIC). 


State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World-2023 (FAO)

  • 31 Aug 2023

What is the News ?

A recently published report, ‘State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World’ (SOFI) 2023, shows that the cost of a healthy diet has increased in India in recent years, but it is still lowest among the BRICS countries (including the newly added six countries) and India’s neighbours.

Facts About:

  • The ‘State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World’ (SOFI) 2023 report prepared by FAO and United States agencies has been released with the theme of “Urbanisation, agrifood systems transformation, and healthy diets across the rural-urban continuum”.
  • According to a UN agency report 74% of people in India can’t afford a healthy diet because of increasing costs.

‘State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World’ (SOFI) 2023 :-

The report is published by the partnership of Food and Agriculture Organisation(FAO) of the United Nations with the United States agencies i.e International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), World Food Programme (WFP) and World Health Organisation (WHO).

The aim of the report is 

  • ending hunger
  • achieving food security
  •  improving nutrition 
  • to provide an in-depth analysis  for achieving this goal in the context of the SDG.

FAO:-Each year, FAO’s most deeply scrutinised report presents the leading numbers of undernourished people worldwide, while advocating for strategies against hunger and malnutrition.

SOFI 2023 related to India:-

PPP report:-

  • The concept of PPP is 1ppp dollar in the United States should be able to buy the same amount of goods in either India or Brazil or in other countries.
  • xPPP dollar per day means how much would it cost to buy a very simple healthy diet in every country.
  • According to this data India compared to its other countries or other regional countries of the world itself has the lowest PPP dollar for a healthy diet.

According to another data which shows the share of  the population that is unable to afford a healthy diet in 2021, for instance 74% of the Indian population cannot afford a healthy diet and the fourth highest share in the country itself .

So when it comes to afford a healthy diet, India comes fourth.

Because of stagnation, poor income levels, General stagnation, people of India are not able to afford the cheapest healthy diet in the world.

According to Above two report 

  • India doesn’t have to spend too much to get a healthy diet.
  • 74% of our population cannot afford a healthy diet.


The share of people able to afford such a healthy diet is still low: India is at the bottom of that list because income levels are stagnant or going down.

  • For example, while in mumbai the cost of meals have risen by 65% in last 5 years wages and salaries have only risen by 28% to 37% , so it shows that prices are rising but our incomes are not rising therefore though India have the cheapest food in the world there is most of people of india can’t afford it.It is not about the can’t afford food it’s a about a nutritional healthy diet divided by FAO and the UN.



Meghalaya Shawl and Chhattisgarh’s Dhokra Art and Telangana Bidri Art vases (Times now)

  • 31 Aug 2023

What is the News ?

Prime Minister presented Meghalaya Shawl and Chhattisgarh Dhokra Art and Telangana Bidri Art vases to Greek President and Prime Minister.

Facts About:

Meghalaya shawls 

Meghalaya shawls were originally woven for  Khasi and Jaintia royalty who considered them a symbol of their power and status. 

Shawls were worn at formal events and festivals, and their intricate designs and vibrant colors reflected the wealth and prestige of the royal family. 

The designs used in Meghalaya shawls were very symbolic. 

  • For example, the use of animal motifs such as tigers and elephants was a symbol of strength and power, while the use of floral motifs was a symbol of beauty and grace.  
  • The weavers, mostly women, spend hours weaving intricate designs and patterns using traditional weaving techniques. 
  • The shawls are made from local wool and natural colors. 
  • Shawls are highly valued for their fine workmanship and intricate designs.  

Dhokra Art of Chhattisgarh 

One of the earliest manifestations of this ancient art is the dancing girl object found in the excavations at Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa. 

Traditionally, the Gadwads, Gonds and Dhurwas tribes of Chhattisgarh practice the art of Dhokra using the lost wax technique or hollow casting. 

It is named after the Dhokar Damar, an Indian tribe in the central and eastern part of the country. 

Common themes in Dhokra art revolve around  Hindu gods and goddesses and various animal figures. 

Dhokra Art is a non-ferrous metal casting art that uses wax casting technology. 

This type of metal casting has been used in India for over 4000 years and is still used today. 

There are two main processes involved in lost wax casting: solid casting and hollow casting. 

Bidri Art vases 

It originated from the city of Bidar in Karnataka in the 14th century.

Bidar in Karnataka and Hyderabad in Telangana are the most active centers of the art form. 

Bidri Work handicraft is the art of inlaying metal alloys. 

The soil of Bidar Fort magically gives black color to the base metals and the art form has been given the prestigious GI status. 

Technique: For smelting, a new mold must be made, into which molten metal, an alloy of zinc and copper, is poured. 

  • Patterns are drawn on them and carved with a chisel and hammer. 
  • The engravings are attached with silver wire. 
  • This contrast of shiny silver with black metal is unique in Bidri art.

