Higgs Boson

  • 10 Apr 2024

Why is it in the News?

Peter Higgs, the eminent theoretical physicist who first proposed the idea of what we now know as the “Higgs Boson,” died at the age of 94 on April 8.

What is the Higgs Boson?

  • Particles make up everything in the universe but they did not have any mass when the universe began.
  • They all sped around at the speed of light, according to the European Council for Nuclear Research (CERN).
    • CERN, the European Council for Nuclear Research, is where the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is located, and it's where the discovery of the Higgs Boson was made in 2012 through experiments conducted at the LHC.
  • Everything we see like planets, stars, and life, emerged after particles gained their mass from a fundamental field associated with the particle known as the Higgs boson.
  • The particle has a mass of 125 billion electron volts making it 130 times bigger than a proton?, according to CERN.
  • Interestingly, the subatomic particles known as bosons are named after Indian Physicist Satyendra Nath Bose.

How does the Higgs Boson Work?

  • The Higgs boson is a fundamental component of a theory formulated by Higgs and colleagues in the 1960s to elucidate how particles acquire mass.
  • According to this theory, a pervasive Higgs energy field permeates the universe.
  • As particles traverse this field, they interact with and draw in Higgs bosons, which congregate around the particles in varying quantities.
  • Likewise, envision the universe akin to a party: less prominent guests can swiftly traverse the room without notice, while more popular guests attract clusters of people (the Higgs bosons), thus decelerating their movement through the room.
  • Similarly, particles navigating the Higgs field experience a comparable phenomenon.
  • Certain particles attract larger assemblies of Higgs bosons, and the more Higgs bosons a particle draws in, the greater its mass becomes.

Why is the Higgs Boson Called the “God Particle?”

  • The Higgs boson is popularly known as the "God Particle".
  • The name originated from Nobel Prize-winning physicist Leon Lederman's book on the particle which he titled the "Goddamn Particle", owing to frustration over how difficult it was to detect.
  • However, his publishers changed the name to "The God Particle", which often draws ire from religious communities.

Who was Peter Higgs?

  • Born in UK's Newcastle upon Tyne in 1929, Mr Higgs studied at King's College in London and has taught at the University of Edinburgh since the 1950s.
  • Described as a modest man who published only a few scientific papers, he disliked his sudden fame calling it "a bit of a nuisance", even cringing when the term "Higgs boson" was used.
  • Even as a lifelong atheist, he disliked the name "God particle".
  • In 2013, Higgs and Francois Englert won the Physics Nobel Prize for their work on the particle which was thought to be a key to explaining the universe.


  • 10 Apr 2024

Why is it in the News?

The government has come up with a new platform to disburse subsidies to horticulture farmers under the Cluster Development Programme (CDP) — the Centre’s initiative to promote horticulture crops.

What is the CDP-SURAKSHA?

  • The CDP-SURAKSHA is essentially a digital platform.
    • SURAKSHA stands for “System for Unified Resource Allocation, Knowledge, and Secure Horticulture Assistance.”
  • The platform will allow an instant disbursal of subsidies to farmers in their bank accounts by utilizing the e-RUPI voucher from the National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI).
  • The CDP-SURAKSHA has features such as database integration with PM-KISAN, cloud-based server space from NIC, UIDAI validation, eRUPI integration, local government directory (LGD), content management system, geotagging, and geo-fencing.

How does the CDP-SURAKSHA work?

  • The platform allows access to farmers, vendors, implementing agencies (IA), cluster development agencies (CDAs), and officials of the National Horticulture Board (NHB).
  • A farmer can log in using their mobile number and place an order for planting materials such as seeds, seedlings, and plants based on their requirement.
  • Once the demand has been raised by the farmer, the system will ask them to contribute their share of the cost of planting material.
    • The subsidy amount paid by the government will appear on the screen automatically.
  • After the farmer pays their contribution, an e-RUPI voucher will be generated.
    • This voucher will then be received by a vendor, who will provide the required planting material to the farmer.
  • Once the ordered planting material is delivered to the farmer, they have to verify the delivery through geo-tagged photos and videos of their field.
    • It is only after the verification that the IA will release the money to the vendor for the e-RUPI voucher.
    • The vendor will be required to upload an invoice for the payment on the portal.
  • The IA will collect all the documents and share them with the CDA for subsidy release, then only the subsidy will be released to the IA.
  • However, the farmer, who raised the demand for the plant material using the platform, can avail of the subsidy at the first stage only.

What is e-RUPI?

  • The CDP-SURAKSHA platform uses e-RUPI vouchers from the NPCI.
  • The voucher is a one-time payment mechanism that can be redeemed without a card, digital payments app, or internet banking access, at the merchants accepting e-RUPI.
  • According to the NPCI, the e-RUPI can be shared with the beneficiaries for a specific purpose or activity by organizations or government via SMS or QR code.

What is the Cluster Development Program (CDP)?

  • The CDP is a component of the central sector scheme of NHB.
  • It is aimed at leveraging “the geographical specialization of horticulture clusters and promoting integrated and market-led development of pre-production, production, post-harvest, logistics, branding, and marketing activities.”
  • So far, 55 horticulture clusters have been identified, out of which 12 have been selected for the pilot.
  • These clusters are in different stages of development.
  • Four more clusters:
    • A floriculture cluster in West Bengal
    • Coconut clusters in Kerala and Tamil Nadu, and
    • White onion clusters in Gujarat
  • Each cluster will have an implementing agency and a cluster development agency (CDA).
  • According to the government, about 9 lakh hectares of area will be covered through all 55 clusters, covering 10 lakh farmers.
  • It is estimated that the initiative will attract private investment of Rs 8,250 crore, in addition to the government’s assistance, which is fixed according to the size of the cluster, up to Rs 25 crore for mini cluster (size up to 5,000 ha), up to Rs 50 crore for medium clusters (5,000 to 15,000), and up to Rs 100 crore for mega clusters (more than 15,000 ha).

C-Dome Defense System

  • 10 Apr 2024

Why is it in the News?

Israel for the first time used a seaborne missile defense system to shoot down a drone approaching from the Red Sea that had set off sirens in the port city of Eilat.

What is the C-Dome Defense System?

  • The C-Dome is a naval version of Israel's Iron Dome air defense system, designed to protect against rocket and missile attacks.
  • Drawing from Iron Dome's technology, C-Dome shares its 90% effectiveness rate and utilizes radars to detect and destroy short-range rockets with its missiles.

Operational Deployment and Integration:

  • First unveiled in 2014 and declared operational in 2022, the C-Dome is mounted on Sa'ar 6-class corvettes and German-made warships.
  • It employs the same interceptor as the Iron Dome but differs in its integration with the ship's radar for target detection, ensuring full-circular vessel protection.

Combatting Modern Threats:

  • C-Dome's primary objective is to counter a wide range of modern maritime and coastal threats with high kill probability.
  • Its successful deployment and performance underscore its pivotal role in safeguarding Israel's naval interests and assets against evolving security challenges.

About Iron Dome:

  • Developed by Rafael Advanced Defense Systems and Israel Aerospace Industries, the Iron Dome is a cutting-edge air missile defense system that offers protection against short-range rockets by intercepting them above Israeli territory.
  • With its multi-rocket handling capacity, Iron Dome became operational in 2011 and features:
    • All-weather capabilities for day and night functionality
    • Launching versatility with various interceptor missiles
    • A range of approximately 40 miles
    • Portable design for deployment on ships or land
    • Adaptive defense through reloadable interceptors

Iron Dome consists of three key elements:

    • Radar system for detecting incoming rockets
    • Command-and-control mechanism to evaluate threat levels
    • Interceptors are designed to neutralize incoming rockets before impact
  • These components work in tandem to provide Israel with a robust and reliable defense against aerial threats.

India Imposed Import Restrictions on Solar PV Cells

  • 10 Apr 2024

Why is it in the News?

Recent government orders on attempts to increase local sourcing of solar modules to support India’s renewables manufacturing ecosystem have been widely reported in the media as ‘import restrictions’.

What is the Approved List of Models and Manufacturers (ALMM) List?

  • The Approved List of Models and Manufacturers of Solar Photovoltaic Modules (ALMM) comprises government-approved manufacturers eligible for use in government projects, government-assisted projects, and schemes.
  • ALMM aims to boost the domestic solar industry and reduce dependence on imports, particularly from China.

ALMM's Suspension and Reinstatement:

  • The ALMM was kept in abeyance for two years to address concerns raised by renewable energy producers with pre-existing government contracts.
  • During this period, India's domestic solar industry struggled to compete with cheap Chinese imports.
  • To support local manufacturers, the government launched initiatives like the Production Linked Incentive (PLI) scheme under the Atmanirbhar Bharat ('Self-Reliant India') Programme.
  • With the PLI scheme enhancing the competitiveness of Indian manufacturers, the ALMM was reinstated in March 2024.
  • The government believes that domestic companies can now meet India's solar equipment demand, making the ALMM an essential tool for promoting import substitution and self-reliance in the renewable energy sector.

Solar PV Imports:

  • India heavily relies on solar cell and module imports, with China and Vietnam being the primary suppliers.
  • Government data reveals that India imported approximately $11.17 billion worth of solar cells and modules over the past five years.
  • As of 2023-24, China accounted for 53% of solar cell imports and 63% of solar PV modules.

China's Competitive Edge:

  • Several factors contribute to China's dominance in solar PV exports:
    • Cost-effective manufacturing due to lower power costs
    • Government policies prioritizing the solar PV sector
    • Economies of scale and continuous innovation driven by growing domestic demand
  • These advantages have made China the most cost-competitive location for producing solar PV components, making it challenging for other countries to match their production capabilities.

What is the Scope of Solar Energy in India?

  • India's solar sector holds immense potential, driven by the government's target of achieving 500 GW of installed non-fossil fuel capacity by 2030.
  • Moreover, the country's rapid growth in electricity demand, fueled by economic activities and climate adaptation measures, positions solar power as a critical resource.
  • Solar energy accounted for one-third of renewable energy generation from April 2023 to February 2024, showcasing its significance in India's energy mix.
  • Despite an estimated solar power potential of 748.99 GW, the country has yet to fully exploit this resource.
  • To harness this potential, the government is implementing various schemes and programs, paving the way for a sustainable and prosperous solar future.

Coordinated Lunar Time (LTC)

  • 10 Apr 2024

Why is it in the News?

Recently, the US White House has officially instructed NASA to create a lunar time standard for international and private sector coordination on the Moon.

What is Coordinated Lunar Time (LTC)?

  • Coordinated Lunar Time (LTC) is a lunar-based time system being developed by NASA in collaboration with other government agencies to establish a standardized time zone for the Moon.
  • LTC aims to provide a precise timekeeping benchmark for lunar spacecraft and satellites, synchronizing communication between astronauts, bases, and Earth.

Importance of LTC:

  • As lunar exploration and commerce expand, a unified time standard becomes essential for managing operations, ensuring transaction reliability, and coordinating logistics.
  • Furthermore, LTC addresses the discrepancy in timekeeping between Earth and the Moon due to differences in gravity, as time ticks faster on the Moon, causing Earth-based clocks to lose an average of 58.7 microseconds per day.
  • Establishing LTC will prevent potential problems in spacecraft docking, data transfer, communication, and navigation.

How Will a Lunar Time Standard Be Established?

  • Like on Earth, atomic clocks can be deployed on the lunar surface to set a time standard.
  • These clocks have to be placed on the Moon at different locations since the Moon’s rotation and even local lumps of mass, called mascons, beneath the crust of the Moon affect the flow of time ever so slightly.
    • Mascons or mass concentrations are so dense that they alter the Moon’s local gravity field.
  • These effects are minor but the output from these clocks can be synthesized to give the Moon its own independent time, which can be tied back to UTC for seamless operations from Earth as well.

How Does Earth’s Time Standard Work?

  • Most of the clocks and time zones of the world are based on Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), set by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures in Paris, France.
  • UTC is essentially an internationally agreed-upon standard for world time.
  • It is tracked by a weighted average of more than 400 atomic clocks placed in different parts of the globe.
  • Atomic clocks measure time in terms of the resonant frequencies — the natural frequency of an object where it tends to vibrate at a higher amplitude — of atoms such as cesium-133.
  • In atomic time, a second is defined as the period in which a cesium atom vibrates 9,192,631,770 times.
  • As the vibration rates at which atoms absorb energy are highly stable and ultra-accurate, atomic clocks make for an excellent device for gauging the passage of time.
  • To obtain their local time, countries must subtract or add a certain number of hours from UTC depending on how many time zones they are away from 0 degree longitude meridian, also known as the Greenwich meridian.
  • If a country lies on the west of the Greenwich meridian, it has to subtract from the UTC, and if a country is located on the east of the meridian, it has to add.