First Drug to Treat Common, Lethal Liver Disease Gets US Nod

  • 16 Mar 2024

Why is it in the News?

Madrigal Pharmaceuticals Inc.’s drug Rezdiffra gained the first US approval to treat a potentially deadly liver disease that affects millions worldwide, succeeding in an area where some bigger rivals have failed.

What is Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH)?

  • Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a condition in which fat builds up in the liver.
  • NASH (or nonalcoholic steatohepatitis) is a type of NAFLD that can damage the liver.
  • NASH occurs when the fat buildup in the liver leads to inflammation (hepatitis) and scarring.
  • NASH can be life-threatening, as it can cause liver scarring (called cirrhosis) or liver cancer.
  • It is estimated that 3% to 5% of the global population is affected by NASH, though the disease is considered to be underdiagnosed.

Who gets NASH?

  • The condition may be hereditary.
  • If a person has family members who have had NASH or NAFLD, they are at risk.
  • Additionally, having certain health conditions may increase a person’s risk of developing NASH. These include:
    • Being overweight or obese.
    • Having high cholesterol or high triglyceride levels.
    • Having type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance, or prediabetes.

What are the signs and symptoms of NASH?

  • NASH is known as a “silent” disease because many people present with few or no symptoms.
  • However, some people will experience tiredness, pain, and discomfort in the upper right part of the abdomen.

How is NASH diagnosed?

  • Diagnosing NASH can be challenging because symptoms may not be noticeable until the disease progresses.
  • Healthcare providers typically suspect NASH based on abnormal blood or liver test results or imaging showing liver fat.
  • Confirmation requires a liver biopsy, an invasive procedure with risks and expenses, involving taking a small liver sample for microscopic examination.

How is NASH treated?

  • To manage NASH, losing weight is often recommended as it can reduce liver fat, inflammation, and scarring.
  • This involves losing around 3% to 5% of body weight by limiting fats and sugars in the diet.
  • Heavy alcohol use should also be avoided to prevent further liver damage.
  • If NASH progresses to cirrhosis, treatment may involve medications, medical procedures, or even a liver transplant.
  • Currently, there are no approved medications specifically for treating NASH, but ongoing research aims to develop new treatments.


Google Deepmind’s new AI that can play video games with you

  • 16 Mar 2024

Why is it in the News?

Google DeepMind recently revealed its latest AI gaming agent called SIMA or Scalable Instructable Multiworld Agent, which can follow natural language instructions to perform tasks across video game environments.

What is SIMA?

  • Scalable Instructable Multiworld Agent (SIMA) is an AI Agent, which is different from AI models such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT or Google Gemini.
    • AI models are trained on a vast data set and are limited when it comes to working on their own.
    • On the other hand, an AI Agent can process data and take action themselves.
  • SIMA can be called a generalist AI Agent that is capable of doing different kinds of tasks.
  • It is like a virtual buddy who can understand and follow instructions in all sorts of virtual environments – from exploring mysterious dungeons to building lavish castles.
  • It can accomplish tasks or solve challenges assigned to it.
  • It is essentially a super-smart computer program that can be thought of as a digital explorer, having the ability to understand what you want and help create it in the virtual world.

How does SIMA work?

  • SIMA  can understand commands as it has been trained to process human language.
    • So when we ask it to build a castle or find the treasure chest, it understands exactly what these commands mean.
  • One distinct feature of this AI Agent is that it is capable of learning and adapting.
    • SIMA does this through the interactions it has with the user.
    • The more we interact with SIMA, the smarter it gets by learning from its experiences and improves over time.
    • This makes it better at understanding and fulfilling user requests.
  • Based on the current stage of AI development, it is a big feat for an AI system to be able to play even one game.
    • However, SIMA goes beyond that and can follow instructions in a variety of game settings.
    • This could potentially introduce more helpful AI agents for other environments.

Tesla’s India entry gets boost as government approves new EV policy

  • 16 Mar 2024

Why is it in the News?

The government announced a new electric vehicle (EV) policy recently that is expected to provide a major boost to Tesla's plans to start operations in India.

What is the Revised EV Policy Offering Tax Incentives?

  • The Government of India has sanctioned a new initiative aimed at positioning India as a premier manufacturing hub, fostering the production of cutting-edge electric vehicles (EVs) within the nation.
  • Crafted to entice investments from renowned global EV manufacturers, this policy seeks to provide Indian consumers access to state-of-the-art EV technology while bolstering the Make in India campaign.
  • By cultivating a competitive environment among EV players, the policy endeavors to fortify the EV ecosystem, stimulating innovation and efficiency.
  • Furthermore, it is anticipated to stimulate substantial production rates, capitalize on economies of scale, and drive down production costs, consequently curbing crude oil imports, narrowing trade imbalances, and mitigating urban air pollution, thereby fostering a healthier environment for all.

Key Features of the Policy:

  • Minimum Investment Requirement: Companies are mandated to invest a minimum of Rs 4,150 Crores.
  • Investment Ceiling: There is no upper limit on the investment amount.
  • Manufacturing Timeline: Companies must establish manufacturing facilities in India within 3 years and commence commercial production of e-vehicles.
    • Within 5 years, they should achieve 50% domestic value addition.
  • Domestic Value Addition (DVA): Localization levels of 25% by the 3rd year and 50% by the 5th year are mandatory during manufacturing.
  • Customs Duty: A customs duty of 15%, applicable to Completely Knocked Down (CKD) units, will be enforced for 5 years.
  • Import Limits: Import of at most 8,000 EVs annually is permitted under this scheme, with provisions for carrying forward unutilized import quotas.
  • Bank Guarantee Requirement: Investment commitments necessitate bank guarantees to cover the forgone customs duty.

EV Adoption in India:

  • In 2023, electric vehicle sales in India surged by 49.25% year-on-year, surpassing 15 lakh units, as the Federation of Automobile Dealers' Association (FADA) reported.
  • This notable increase follows a total sale of approximately 10 lakh units recorded in 2022, indicating a rapid growth trajectory.
  • Factors contributing to this surge include improved product availability, escalating fuel prices, state subsidies, and incentives provided under the FAME-II Initiative.

What is the FAME-II Scheme?

  • The FAME India scheme, initiated in 2015, serves as an incentive program aimed at accelerating the adoption of electric and hybrid vehicles, with its acronym standing for "Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of Electric and Hybrid Vehicles in India."
  • In 2019, the Central government sanctioned Phase II of the FAME Scheme with a budgetary allocation of 10,000 Crore over three years, extending until March 31, 2024.
  • The primary objective of Phase II is to stimulate demand by facilitating the deployment of 7000 e-Buses, 5 lakh e-3 Wheelers, 55,000 e-4 Wheeler Passenger Cars (including Strong Hybrid), and 10 lakh e-2 Wheelers, thereby fostering the growth of the electric vehicle ecosystem.
  • Under the FAME-II scheme, nearly 2 lakh vehicles have received support, signifying a significant stride towards electric vehicle adoption in the country.

Government Initiatives to Promote EV Usage:

  • Battery Swapping Policy: The Battery Swapping Policy offers an alternative approach wherein discharged batteries are exchanged for charged ones, enabling efficient charging without vehicle downtime.
    • NITI Aayog has recently unveiled a draft battery-swapping policy, prioritizing metropolitan cities with populations exceeding 40 lakh for the establishment of battery-swapping networks in the initial phase.
  • Switching to EVs: Central and State governments extend upfront subsidies to mitigate the overall costs associated with electric vehicles, incentivizing consumers to transition towards cleaner mobility options.
  • E-AMRIT Portal: The e-AMRIT portal serves as a comprehensive platform, furnishing resources and support to facilitate the seamless transition to electric vehicles, thereby bolstering the nation's electrification agenda.

Pandavula Gutta designated an exclusive Geo-heritage site in Telangana

  • 16 Mar 2024

Why is it in the News?

Pandavula Gutta, a geological marvel older than the Himalayan hills, has been officially recognized as the sole Geo-heritage site in Telangana.

What is Pandavula Gutta?

  • Pandavula Gutta holds historical significance, being older than the Himalayas and renowned for its ancient rock paintings portraying diverse animals such as bison, antelope, tiger, and leopard, along with intricate geometric designs and symbols like swastikas, circles, and squares.
  • These paintings indicate continuous human habitation from the Mesolithic period (around 12,000 to 6,000 BCE) through medieval times.

About Geo-heritage Sites:

  • Geo-heritage sites encompass geological features of inherent or cultural significance, providing insights into the Earth's evolution or history, valuable for earth science and educational purposes.
  • In India, the Geological Survey of India (GSI) identifies and designates these special places as Geo-Heritage Sites (GHS) to ensure their preservation, akin to UNESCO's protection of world heritage sites worldwide.

About the Geological Survey of India (GSI):

  • The Geological Survey of India (GSI), established in 1851 initially to locate coal deposits for the Railways, has evolved into a comprehensive repository of geo-science information vital for various sectors in India.
  • Its objective is to provide impartial and current geological expertise and geoscientific data to inform policy-making decisions and address commercial and socio-economic needs.
  • Designated as the primary agency for geological mapping and regional mineral resources assessment under the National Mineral Policy (NMP) 2008, GSI emphasizes systematic documentation of geological processes across India and its offshore areas.
  • Utilizing advanced techniques and methodologies, including geological, geophysical, and geochemical surveys, the organization operates from its headquarters in Kolkata, along with six regional offices and state units across the country.
  • Presently, GSI operates as an attached office to the Ministry of Mines.

'ETHANOL 100' hits the road at 183 Indian Oil stations in five states

  • 16 Mar 2024

Why is it in the News?

In a strategic advance towards cleaner fuel alternatives, India commenced the sale of ETHANOL 100 across 183 Indian Oil outlets in Maharashtra, Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh, New Delhi, and Tamil Nadu.

What is ETHANOL 100 Fuel?

  • ETHANOL 100 fuel represents a significant advancement in automotive technology, offering a high-octane rating ranging from 100 to 105.
    • This elevated octane level is particularly advantageous for high-performance engines, delivering improved efficiency and power output while simultaneously reducing environmental impact.
  • One of the key features of ETHANOL 100 is its remarkable versatility, making it suitable for a diverse range of vehicles, including flex-fuel vehicles (FFVs) designed to accommodate various fuel types such as gasoline, ethanol, or any blend thereof.
    • This adaptability ensures that ETHANOL 100 can seamlessly integrate into existing automotive fleets without requiring extensive modifications or infrastructure upgrades.
  • The composition of ETHANOL 100 consists of approximately 93 to 93.5 percent ethanol blended with 5 percent petrol and 1.5 percent co-solvent acting as a binder.
    • This well-balanced formulation not only enhances fuel performance but also contributes to its practicality as a mainstream fuel option.
  • In addition to its performance benefits, ETHANOL 100 stands out as a cleaner and greener alternative to traditional gasoline.
    • By emitting lower levels of greenhouse gases and pollutants, such as carbon dioxide and particulate matter, ETHANOL 100 plays a crucial role in mitigating climate change and improving air quality in our communities.
  • With the right infrastructure and support mechanisms in place, ETHANOL 100 has the potential to revolutionize the automotive industry by offering a sustainable and eco-friendly fuel solution that aligns with the global efforts to combat environmental degradation and promote sustainable development.

What are Flex-fuel Vehicles?

  • Flex-fuel vehicles are engineered to operate on a diverse range of fuels, offering consumers the flexibility to choose between petrol, ethanol, or methanol at the point of refueling.
  • Equipped with an internal combustion engine (ICE), these vehicles can seamlessly switch between different fuel types, providing versatility and convenience to drivers.
  • While possessing similarities to conventional petrol-only cars, flex-fuel vehicles undergo minor modifications to accommodate the use of alternative fuels, ensuring compatibility and optimal performance across various fuel options.