Schizostachyum Andamanicum (The Hindu)

  • 09 Sep 2023

What is the News ?

The Government of India's patent office recently awarded a patent to the Botanical Survey of India for a reusable straw made from bamboo (Schizostachyum andamanicum).

Facts About:

  • This bamboo is pretty rare and can only be found in certain forests in the Andaman Islands.
  • It likes to grow in wet tropical areas.
  • This type of bamboo has tall, skinny stems that are hollow inside. It's perfect for making straws.
  • It has little white flowers that grow together in groups. The seeds are small and black, and the baby plants have thin, light green leaves.


  • 09 Sep 2023

What is the News ?

The Indian and French Navies recently conducted Phase II of the Varuna naval exercise in the Arabian Sea.

Facts About:

  • This is a naval exercise that India and France have been doing together since 1993.
  • In this exercise, they use guided missile frigates, tankers, Maritime Patrol Aircraft, and helicopters from both sides.
  • The goal is to make their fighting skills better, work together smoothly, and show that they can keep the peace, security, and stability in the region.
  • This exercise also helps the two navies work together and cooperate to keep the seas safe and free for everyone around the world.

Central Empowered Committee (Indian Express)

  • 09 Sep 2023

What is the News ?

The Supreme Court of India has transferred its environmental oversight committee, the Central Empowered Committee, to the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change.

Facts About:

  • The Supreme Court created this committee in 2002, and it was restructured in 2008.
  • Its main job was to keep an eye on environmental issues and make sure everyone followed the rules.
  • Now, there have been some changes. The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change says the CEC shouldn't be a temporary group anymore; it should become a permanent team that deals with environmental stuff.

Here's how the new CEC will be set up:

  • It will have a chairperson who has 25 years of experience in environment, forests, and wildlife or 25 years of big-time government work.
    • They can't be older than 66 years and should be at least an additional secretary in rank.
  • The member secretary will be a full-time government officer, at least a Deputy Inspector General of forests or a director in the Government of India.
  • They need to know a lot about the environment, forests, or wildlife and have 12 years of experience.
  • There will be three expert members, one each for environment, forests, and wildlife. They should have 20 years of experience.
  • The central government will pick these members for a three-year term.

Dark Patterns (The Hindu)

  • 09 Sep 2023

What is the News ?

The Central Government recently asked the public to share their thoughts on the draft rules for stopping and controlling deceptive tactics on the Internet.

Facts About:

  • Dark patterns are sneaky and tricky design tricks that websites, apps, and digital platforms use to fool or manipulate users into doing things they might not want to do or making choices that aren't good for them.
  • The term "dark patterns" was coined back in 2010 by Harry Brignull, a specialist in making sure user experiences are good.
  • These tricky tricks are often used to get users to sign up for things, buy stuff, or share their personal info, among other stuff.
  • Dark patterns work by using the way our brains work and making us do things we might not mean to do. They can be just a little misleading or really pushy and aggressive.
  • There are 12 types of dark patterns including, Friend spam, Forced continuity, Disguised ads, Confirm shaming, Bait and switch, Hidden costs, Roach motel, Privacy zuckering, Misdirection, Price comparison prevention, Trick questions, Sneak into basket

       For example, "confirm shaming" is when they use words, videos, sounds, or anything else to make you feel bad or embarrassed so you'll do what they want you to do.

Varicella Zoster Virus (Indian Express)

  • 09 Sep 2023

What is the News ?

Scientists from the Indian Council of Medical Research-National Institute of Virology have made a historic discovery in India. They have identified the Clade 9 variant of the varicella-zoster virus (VZV) here for the first time.

Facts About:

  • Varicella-zoster is a type of herpes virus that gives you chickenpox, which is a common illness when you're a kid.
  • This virus only infects humans and belongs to the α-herpesvirus family.
  • It's found all over the world and spreads easily.
  • When you first get infected with this virus, you get chickenpox, which is also called acute varicella.
  • In some cases, this virus can even affect your central nervous system and lead to serious problems.