Vegetated Canopies (Indian Express)

  • 22 Aug 2023

What is the News ?

In a recent development in Spain, tensioned sail-like vegetated awnings or canopies known as “Greenshades” have been strategically installed on the facades of buildings.

Facts About:

  • Vegetated canopies are innovative structures designed to reintroduce greenery into urban landscapes. 
  • Inspired by the natural canopies found in forests and diverse plant ecosystems, these canopies play a crucial role in mitigating the urban heat island effect and enhancing the overall environmental quality of urban areas.
  • This installation approach not only adds an aesthetic dimension to the urban architecture but also serves as a practical solution for reintroducing green elements in areas where traditional planting is challenging.

Emulating Nature’s Canopies: 

  • Mimicking the canopy formations observed in forest ecosystems, these vegetated awnings recreate a semblance of natural green cover. 
  • By doing so, they provide shade, reduce direct sunlight exposure, and create a more pleasant atmosphere in commercial streets and public spaces. 
  • This is particularly valuable in areas where the presence of trees and vegetation is limited.

Hydroponic Growth System: 

  • The vegetation integrated within these awnings grows using a hydroponic growth system. 
  • This method utilises a water supply point to provide the plants with the necessary moisture and nutrients. Additionally, a water outlet is incorporated into the design to facilitate efficient drainage. 
  • This innovative approach ensures that the greenery thrives even in non-traditional planting environments.


Cooling Effects via Evapotranspiration

  • Singular Green’s innovative canopy design efficiently reduces temperatures in both immediate areas and beneath the awnings. 
  • Achieved through evapotranspiration, where plants transfer water to the atmosphere, this cooling process enhances comfort.

Air Quality Improvement through Plant Selection

  • Carefully chosen plants possess a special ability to absorb gases, including pollutants like carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxide. 
  • This contributes to better urban air quality and healthier living conditions.

Noise Reduction with Sound Wave Absorption

  • Vegetated canopies excel at absorbing sound waves, minimising noise pollution and creating a more serene urban environment. 
  • Incorporating sound-absorbing substrates enhances the auditory experience.

Oxygen Generation and Gas Filtration

  • Surprisingly, a single square metre of these canopies produces a year’s worth of oxygen for an individual. 
  • Moreover, they serve as natural filters, removing harmful gases from the air and thus improving overall air quality.

Efficient Water and Lighting Integration

  • Beyond their green benefits, these canopies facilitate centralised water and lighting installations. 
  • Integrated lights equipped with motion sensors respond to real-time needs, promoting energy-efficient urban infrastructure.

Promoting Biodiversity and Ecosystem Health

  • Introducing these canopies into urban spaces fosters biodiversity by creating habitats for diverse wildlife. 
  • This initiative aligns with the vision of sustainable, nature-friendly cities, nurturing a harmonious urban ecosystem.

In the face of climate change-induced challenges, our response must be proactive, multifaceted, and holistic. The success of vegetated canopies as a means to combat extreme heat waves demonstrates that nature-inspired solutions have the power to transform urban environments into havens of sustainability, resilience, and well-being. By embracing such strategies and embarking on a collective journey, we can build cities that thrive in harmony with the planet.

