Rashtriya Vigyan Puraskar (PIB)

  • 22 Sep 2023

What is the News ?

The Indian Government recently introduced a new set of National Awards for achievements in science, technology, and innovation called the "Rashtriya Vigyan Puraskar."

Facts About:

The Rashtriya Vigyan Puraskar is an award that recognizes outstanding contributions in the fields of science, technology, and innovation in India.

It's one of the highest honors in these fields.

Who can receive the awards?

  • Scientists, technologists, and innovators, whether in government or private sectors, who have made significant breakthroughs in their respective fields.
  • People of Indian origin living abroad who have made exceptional contributions benefiting Indian communities.

The awards are given in four categories:

  • Vigyan Ratna (VR): Lifetime achievements in science and technology.
  • Vigyan Shri (VS): Distinguished contributions in science and technology.
  • Vigyan Yuva-Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar (VY-SSB): Young scientists under 45 years old who've made exceptional contributions.
  • Vigyan Team (VT): Teams of three or more scientists, researchers, or innovators who've excelled in their field.

The awards cover 13 domains, including Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics & Computer Science, Earth Science, Medicine, Engineering, Agriculture, Environment, Technology & Innovation, Atomic Energy, Space Science, and more.