Full-blown late blight attack damages potato crops in Punjab (Indian Express)

  • 20 Dec 2023

Why is it in the News?

Days after the experts from Punjab Agricultural University (PAU) had cautioned farmers against the late blight disease attack on potato crop, the worst fears of the potato farmers have come true.

About Late Blight Disease:

  • Late Blight disease is attributed to the fungus Phytophthora infestans and stands as a significant threat to potato crops, potentially causing rapid failures if appropriate control measures are not implemented.
  • Common in humid regions with specific temperature conditions, this disease manifests with initial symptoms of small, light to dark green, circular to irregular water-soaked spots.
  • In cool, moist weather, these spots rapidly expand into large, dark brown or black lesions, often exhibiting a greasy appearance.
    • A pale green to yellow border typically surrounds these lesions.
  • The spread of Late Blight is facilitated by infected tubers and soil, acting as a primary source of infection.
    • Infected tubers play a crucial role in the disease's persistence from one crop to another. Airborne infection occurs through sporangia.
  • Effective control measures involve the prompt destruction of infected crop residue in the field to prevent the disease from spreading to nearby areas.

Diseases Caused by Bacteria on Potato Crops:

  • Ring Rot
  • Brown Rot

Diseases Caused by Fungi on Potato Crops:

  • Late Blight

Diseases Caused by Virus on Potato Crops:

  • Leaf Roll
  • Mosaic