Kamaladevi Chattopadhyay, the unsung feminist freedom fighter in the history of India

  • 09 Mar 2024

Why is it in the News?

Post-Independence, the revival of the crafts sector began with Kamaladevi Chattopadhyay who strongly championed the handicrafts movement for the role it could play in social and economic upliftment.

About Kamaladevi Chattopadhyay:

  • Kamaladevi was born in April 1903 in a liberal Chitrapur Saraswat Brahmin family in Mangalore (now Mangaluru).
    • She completed her primary education at the local St Ann’s Convent.
    • Growing up in a land with a rich cultural heritage, especially of the music and dance form Yakshagana, she developed a taste for traditional art forms.
    • After her father’s untimely death, Kamaladevi moved to her maternal uncle’s house.
    • There, she met renowned freedom fighters, including Gopalkrishna Gokhale, Srinivasa Shastri, Ramabai Ranade and Annie Besant.
  • Kamaladevi was married off at the age of 14 and widowed two years later.
    • Unperturbed by these life events, she joined Queen Mary’s College in Madras (now Chennai) for higher studies.
    • There, she met Sarojini (Chattopadhyay) Naidu’s brother Harindranath Chattopadhyay which led to their wedlock.
    • However, their marriage ended over incompatibility issues and this, too, created history – Kamaladevi was the first legal divorce granted through an Indian court of law.
  • Kamaladevi played a prominent role in political reforms and India’s freedom struggle.
    • She was the first woman to contest the Madras provincial elections.
    • Though she lost by a narrow margin, she got recognition and was appointed secretary of the All-India Women’s Conference.
    • She joined Indian National Congress in 1927 and was elected to the All-India Congress Committee within a year.
  • During the Salt March to Dandi, she convinced Gandhi to give women equal opportunity to be in the forefront of the march.
    • Later, she joined Seva Dal and trained women activists.
    • However, the British government banned Seva Dal and threw Kamaladevi into jail.
    • There, she contracted jaundice. Having experienced the pathetic condition of the prison hospital, she built a hospital for inmates upon release.
    • Kamaladevi got attracted to socialism and took up the problems of laborers and peasants.
  • During World War II, she visited America and met several political activists, mostly blacks, and shared with them India’s non-violent approach to freedom struggle.
    • The British got wind of her activism and banned her from returning to India.
    • Unmoved, Kamaladevi continued on her journey, visiting South Africa, China, Japan and Vietnam.
  • Kamaladevi was inarguably the embodiment of women’s empowerment.
    • She was an advocate of female sexual freedom and birth control.
    • Her remarriage after widowhood and legal divorce from her second marriage were symbolic of her self-empowerment.
    • She acted in many films (a Kannada film, too) when the film industry was not considered a respectable place for women.
  • Indeed, Kamaladevi’s immense travel and experiences shaped her as a secular, socialist world citizen.
    • Such were her ideals that led to her building the city of Faridabad to rehabilitate some 50,000 craftsmen who moved to India from Pakistan during Partition.
    • Post-independence, she helped revive Indian handicrafts and built institutions for a ‘New India’-- to name a few, the National School of Drama, Bharatiya Natya Sangha, Lady Irwin College, Sangeet Natak Academy, Central Cottage Industries Emporium, World Craft Council, Craft Council of India, and the Delhi Craft Council.
  • Kamaladevi was a prolific writer, too and wrote 18 books altogether, touching upon women’s issues, Indian handicrafts and her foreign visits.
    • She published her autobiography, “Inner Recesses, Outer Spaces: Memoir” (1986).
    • She received several awards in recognition of her public service, like Padma Bhushan and Padma Vibhushan, the Ramon Magsaysay Award and the UNESCO Award.
    • She died in Mumbai on October 29, 1988, aged 85.