Iran has threatened to close the Strait of Gibraltar linking the Mediterranean and the Atlantic for shipping (The Hindu)

  • 25 Dec 2023

Why is it in the News?

Recently, Iran has threatened to close the Strait of Gibraltar and the Mediterranean Sea unless Israel stops bombing Gaza.

About the Strait of Gibraltar:

  • The Strait of Gibraltar is a narrow water passage that serves as a crucial link connecting Europe and Africa, facilitating the connection between the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean.
  • Historical Significance: Prior to the inauguration of the Suez Canal in 1869, the Strait of Gibraltar held exclusive prominence as the sole gateway to the Mediterranean Sea.
  • Geographical Borders: Positioned between Spain and the British Overseas Territory of Gibraltar in the north, and Morocco and the Spanish exclave of Ceuta in the south, the strait spans approximately 58 km and reaches a width of about 13 km at its narrowest point.
  • Depth and Geological Formation: With depths ranging from 300 to 900 meters, the strait constitutes a significant divide between the elevated plateau of Spain and the Atlas Mountains of Northern Africa.
    • Geological studies indicate that the strait originated from the northward movement of the African Plate towards the European Plate.
  • High Maritime Activity: Recognized as one of the world's busiest waterways, the Strait of Gibraltar witnesses the daily transit of around 300 ships, equivalent to approximately one ship every 5 minutes.
    • The Moroccan port of Tanger-Med, situated near Tangier, is a prominent port along the strait.
  • Pillars of Heracles: Marking the eastern extremity of the strait, the area between the Rock of Gibraltar in the north and Mount Hacho or Jebel Moussa in the south spans approximately 23 km.
    • These two land features referred to as the Pillars of Heracles, hold historical and geographical significance.

About the Mediterranean Sea:

  • The Mediterranean Sea, an intercontinental body of water, is flanked by Europe to the north, Asia to the east, and Africa to the south.
  • In the western expanse, it connects to the Atlantic Ocean through the narrow Strait of Gibraltar.
    • To the extreme northeast, it links to the Black Sea via the Dardanelles Strait, the Sea of Marmara, and the Bosporus Strait.
    • In the southeast, the Mediterranean Sea is connected to the Red Sea through the Suez Canal.
  • Historical Significance: Recognized as the cradle of Western civilization, the Mediterranean Sea has played a pivotal role in the development of ancient cultures.
    • Notable civilizations, including the Phoenicians, Ancient Greece, and the Roman Empire, flourished along its shores.
  • Countries and Territories Along the Coast: A total of 22 countries, along with one territory (Gibraltar, a British Overseas Territory), have coastlines along the Mediterranean Sea.
    • European nations with Mediterranean coastlines include Spain, France, Italy, Malta, Monaco, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Albania, and Greece.
    • Countries from the West Asian (Middle Eastern) region bordering the Mediterranean Sea include Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Palestine (Gaza Strip), and the divided island of Cyprus.
    • Additionally, five North African nations, namely Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, and Egypt, have coastlines along the Mediterranean.