World Pi Day 2024: International Day Of Mathematics And Worldwide Celebrations

  • 14 Mar 2024

Why is it in the News?

Every year, International Day of Mathematics (IDM) is celebrated on March 14 to spread awareness about its role in solving real-world problems.

About International Day of Mathematics:

  • Every year, International Day of Mathematics (IDM) is celebrated on March 14 to spread awareness about its role in solving real-world problems.
  • The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) declared the International Day of Mathematics at the 40th General Conference on November 19, 2019.
  • This day also sheds light on Mathematics' importance in different areas like climate change, energy, artificial intelligence, and sustainable development.
  • International Day of Mathematics coincides with International Pi Day.
    • Pi is one of the most widely known mathematical constants and it is rounded to 3.14, which is why it is observed on March 14.
  • IDM is an opportunity to educate students about the role and importance of mathematics in improving quality of life.
  • It also empowers women and girls to contribute to achieving sustainable development goals for the 2030 agenda.


  • The 205th session of UNESCO’s Executive Council adopted the International Day of Mathematics.
  • The 40th session of UNESCO's General Conference adopted March 14 as the International Day of Mathematics, which was the first official celebration with the theme 'Mathematics is Everywhere'.
  • It is an opportunity to understand the importance of mathematics in daily life promoting mathematics use for the advancement of society.


  • International Day of Mathematics is celebrated to promote Mathematics in different fields highlighting the role of mathematics in solving the real-life world and addressing social concerns.
  • IDM shows the application of mathematics in different fields of life including science, technology, engineering, and economics.
  • IDM promotes mathematics at different levels encouraging educators, policymakers, parents and to stress the importance of mathematics and inspire students to pursue careers in STEM fields.
    • STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. It is an opportunity to share research, discoveries, and insights with the general public and demystify the subject to make it more accessible.
  • International Day of Mathematics is a global initiative to foster collaboration and exchange ideas across borders, cultures, and disciplines.
  • The day aims to promote mathematics and help address global challenges through it.

The theme for International Day of Mathematics 2024:

The theme for International Day of Mathematics 2024 is 'Playing With Math.'