3D Cosmic Map May Open Window To Dark Energy

  • 05 Apr 2024

Why is it in the News?

An international team of researchers has just released the most comprehensive “three-dimensional” map of the universe, which, scientists hope, could reveal some clues about dark energy, the mysterious force that is believed to be causing the universe to expand uncontrollably.


  • An international team of researchers has unveiled an extensive 3D map of the universe, aiming to unlock secrets about dark energy, the enigmatic force thought to be driving the universe's rapid expansion.
  • Led by Shadab Alam from the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research in Mumbai, the team collaborated on this groundbreaking project, utilizing the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI), a specialized tool capable of simultaneously gathering light from 5,000 galaxies when attached to a telescope.
  • The DESI collaboration has measured that the expansion rate of the universe was increasing by 68.5 km per second after every 3.26 million light-years of distance, a unit astronomers define as megaparsec.

About Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI):

  • The Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) is a remarkable tool designed to capture light from an impressive 5,000 galaxies simultaneously when attached to a telescope.
  • This collaborative effort involves over 900 researchers from institutions worldwide, with the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) representing India's sole participating institution.
  • DESI, stationed atop the Mayall 4-Meter Telescope in Arizona, United States, has enabled researchers to analyze light emissions from an astounding six million galaxies, some dating as far back as 11 billion years ago.
  • This wealth of data has facilitated the creation of the most intricate map of the universe to date.

Dark Energy Vs Dark Matter:

  • Dark energy and dark matter are two distinct yet mysterious components of the universe, with vastly different properties and effects on cosmic structures.

Nature and Composition:

  • Dark Energy: Dark energy is a hypothetical form of energy that permeates all of space and is responsible for the accelerated expansion of the universe.
    • It is often associated with a cosmological constant or Einstein's "cosmological antigravity."
    • Dark energy is thought to exert a repulsive force that counteracts gravity on cosmic scales, driving galaxies away from each other at an accelerating rate.
    • However, its precise nature remains one of the greatest mysteries in modern physics.
    • It's important to note that dark energy does not matter; rather, it's an energy density inherent in space itself.
  • Dark Matter: Dark matter is a form of matter that does not emit, absorb, or reflect electromagnetic radiation, making it invisible and detectable only through its gravitational effects.
    • Unlike dark energy, dark matter exerts an attractive gravitational force, influencing the motion of galaxies and other cosmic structures.
    • It interacts with ordinary matter and with itself only through gravity and possibly through weak nuclear force, but not through electromagnetic forces like photons.
    • Various astrophysical observations strongly suggest the existence of dark matter, but its precise composition and particle nature are still unknown.

Effects on the Universe:

  • Dark Energy: The primary effect of dark energy is to drive the accelerated expansion of the universe.
    • This expansion results in the increasing separation between galaxies over time. Dark energy is thought to dominate the energy density of the universe, comprising approximately 68% of the total mass-energy content.
  • Dark Matter: Dark matter plays a crucial role in the formation and structure of galaxies and larger cosmic structures.
    • Its gravitational influence binds galaxies together and provides the framework for the large-scale cosmic web.
    • While dark matter does not emit or interact with light, its presence can be inferred from gravitational lensing, galaxy rotation curves, and the large-scale distribution of matter in the universe.
    • Dark matter is estimated to constitute about 27% of the total mass-energy content of the universe.


  • Dark Energy: Dark energy is challenging to detect directly because it does not interact with electromagnetic radiation.
    • Its existence is inferred from the observational data related to the accelerating expansion of the universe, such as measurements of distant supernovae and the cosmic microwave background radiation.
  • Dark Matter: Dark matter is also challenging to detect directly due to its non-interaction with light.
    • However, its gravitational effects on visible matter and radiation allow astronomers to indirectly infer its presence.
    • Various experimental efforts, such as those involving particle accelerators and underground detectors, aim to detect dark matter particles directly, though success has not yet been achieved.

Project GR00T

  • 21 Mar 2024

Why is it in the News?

AI chip leader Nvidia on Tuesday (March 19) announced Project GR00T or Generalist Robot 00 Technology, which promises to revolutionize the evolution of humanoid robots.

What is Project GR00T?

  • Project GR00T stands for Generalist Robot 00 Technology.
  • It is essentially a general-purpose foundation model for humanoid robots.
  • This ambitious project aims to create a general-purpose foundation model for humanoid robots, enabling them to understand natural language, learn new skills from observing humans, and solve various tasks in real-time.
  • Robots built on this platform are designed to understand natural language and emulate movements by observing human actions, such as instantly learning coordination, dexterity, and other skills.
  • This can help the robots navigate and engage with the real world around them.
  • The goal of Project GR00T is to advance the field of embodied artificial general intelligence (AGI) and drive breakthroughs in robotics.
  • NVIDIA intends to leverage its expertise in AI and its technological resources to develop this foundational model, which would provide humanoid robots with human-like abilities, such as emotion, reaction, and movement.

The Potential Consequences of Project GR00T and Humanoid Robots in the Workforce:

  • As humanoid robots, such as those envisioned by NVIDIA's Project GR00T, become more advanced and capable of handling various hazardous or repetitive tasks, concerns arise over potential job displacement.
    • For instance, Nvidia's partnership with Hippocratic AI to develop AI-powered healthcare agents may lead to a reduction in the demand for nurses.
  • However, proponents argue that these robots can serve as valuable aids for humans, enhancing their quality of life and complementing their skills rather than supplanting them entirely.
  • Consequently, the impact of humanoid robots on the workforce may ultimately depend on their successful integration into existing labor structures, as well as the willingness and ability of society to adapt to this transformative technology.

The need to overhaul a semiconductor scheme (The Hindu)

  • 24 Jan 2024

Why is it in the News?

The semiconductor Design-Linked Incentive (DLI) scheme, set to undergo a mid-term appraisal, has so far approved only seven start-ups, falling significantly short of its intended goal of supporting 100 over a span of five years since its announcement.

About Design-Linked Incentive (DLI) Scheme:

  • Under the DLI scheme, government will provide financial incentives and design infrastructure to domestic companies, start-ups and MSMEs focussed on semiconductor design.
  • The DLI scheme has been announced by the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) to offset the disabilities in the domestic industry involved in semiconductor design in order to not only move up in value-chain but also strengthen the semiconductor chip design ecosystem in the country.
  • C-DAC (Centre for Development of Advanced Computing), a scientific society operating under MeitY, will serve as the nodal agency for implementation of the DLI scheme.


    • Nurturing and facilitating the growth of the domestic companies, startups and MSMEs.
    • Achieving significant indigenization in semiconductor content and IPs involved in the electronic products deployed in the country, thereby facilitating import substitution and value addition in the electronics sector.
    • Strengthening and facilitating access to semiconductor design infrastructure for startups and MSMEs.

Duration: The scheme shall initially be for three (3) years from 01-01-2022.

  • The scheme has three componentsChip Design infrastructure support, Product Design Linked Incentive and Deployment Linked Incentive.
    • Under the Chip Design infrastructure support, C-DAC will set the India Chip Centre to host the state-of-the-art design infrastructure (viz. EDA Tools, IP Cores and support for MPW (Multi Project Wafer fabrication) & post-silicon validation) and facilitate its access to supported companies.
    • Under the Product Design Linked Incentive component, reimbursement of up to 50% of the eligible expenditure subject to a ceiling of ?15 Crore per application will be provided as fiscal support to the approved applicants who are engaged in semiconductor design.
    • Under the Deployment Linked Incentive component, an incentive of 6% to 4% of net sales turnover over 5 years subject to a ceiling of ?30 Crore per application will be provided to approved applicants whose semiconductor design for Integrated Circuits (ICs), Chipsets, System on Chips (SoCs), Systems & IP Cores and semiconductor linked design are deployed in electronic products.
  • The DLI Scheme will also take a graded and pre-emptive approach to Identify the Products of national priorities and implement strategies for their complete or near complete indigenisation & deployment thereby taking steps towards the import substitution & value addition in strategic & societal sectors.


  • 03 Nov 2023

Why in the News?

Recently, the Election Commission of India (ECI) has developed in-house software named ‘ENCORE’ designed for efficient candidate and election management.

About ‘ENCORE’:

  • The Election Commission of India has designed in-house software for complete Candidate and election management through ‘ENCORE’ which stands for Enabling Communications on Real-time Environment.
  • This provides a seamless facility for Returning Officers to process candidate nomination, affidavit, Voter turnout, counting, results and data management.
  • The ENCORE counting application is an end-to-end application for returning officers to digitize the votes polled, tabulate the round-wise data and then take out various statutory reports of counting.
  • An additional application, the ENCORE Scrutiny Application, allows Returning Officers to scrutinize online nominations submitted by candidates.
  • This process involves verifying and marking the status of nominations as Accepted, Rejected, or Withdrawn, facilitating the creation of the final list of contesting candidates and symbol assignment.
  • The ECI offers an online portal for candidate nomination and affidavit submission.
  • Candidates can create accounts, complete nomination forms, submit security deposits, and plan their visits to the Returning Officer through this portal.
  • The Candidate Affidavit portal is designed to display information about a candidate's financial assets and liabilities, offering transparency in candidates' financial disclosures.
  • The ENCORE Nodal App serves as a platform for various government departments, including fire, education, police, environment, and CPWD, to issue 'no objection' certificates.
  • These certificates are required before granting permission for political parties or candidates to hold rallies, road shows, and meetings, ensuring that all necessary clearances are obtained before public events.