Police think tank Bureau of Police Research and Development warns users of scams, data-breach acts on WhatsApp (The Hindu)

  • 20 Jan 2024

Why is it in the News?

The Bureau of Police Research and Development (BPRD) has warned users of different scams perpetrated through messaging platform WhatsApp.

About the Bureau of Police Research and Development (BPRD):

  • The Bureau of Police Research & Development (BPR&D) was set up in 1970 under the Ministry of Home Affairs to identify the needs and problems of the police in the country.
  • It was also mandated to keep abreast of the latest developments in the fields of science and technology, both in India and abroad, to promote the use of appropriate technology in police work.
  • Over the years, the BPR&D has also been entrusted with the responsibility of monitoring the training needs and quality of training in the States and Central Police Organisations and assisting the same, as also assisting the States in modernization of the State Police Forces and Correctional Administration.
  • In the process, the BPR&D has also been tasked to assist the Ministry of Home Affairs and the CPFs, etc., in the development of Standards, Quality Requirements (QRs), etc., concerning various types of equipment and items about infrastructure.
    • More recently, the BPR&D has also been entrusted with the responsibility of anchoring and coordinating the work of the National Police Mission.

BPRD's Roles and Responsibilities:

  • The Bureau of Police Research and Development (BPRD) plays a crucial role in elevating the functioning of police forces across the nation:
  • Policy Formulation and Guidance: Assists in formulating policies and strategies for police development.
    • Guides to enhance the efficiency of police forces.
  • Interdepartmental Interface: Acts as a bridge between the police and other government departments for efficient resource and technology sharing.
  • Financial Assistance: Offers financial support to state governments for surveys, studies, and the development of specialized infrastructure and training.
  • Training and Awareness: Conducts seminars and workshops to educate police personnel on crime prevention and effective policing.
    • Promotes awareness of policing importance and public order maintenance.
  • Development of Systems: Works towards developing systems like Community Policing, modern investigations, and effective technology and data management.

BPRD's Vision and Mission:

  • Vision: To facilitate the optimal deployment of police forces and related activities, enabling them to meet contemporary challenges.
  • Mission: To enhance police capabilities and those of stakeholders by providing resources and research-based knowledge, bridging gaps between evidence-based practice, policy formulation, and public outreach.
  • Focus Areas: BPRD prioritizes innovation, knowledge initiatives, and research in policing, public order, security, and related fields, creating models relevant to contemporary needs.
  • Overall Objective: BPRD is committed to developing capacity, fostering police professionalism, and promoting safety and public order in India through research, innovation, and strategic initiatives.