A New Discovery: Unveiling an Underwater Mountain Range in the Southern Ocean (India Today)

  • 28 Dec 2023

Why is it in the News?

Scientists have discovered an ancient underwater mountain range hidden within the world's strongest ocean current, the Antarctic Circumpolar Current.


  • During a recent research expedition, scientists discovered a previously unknown mountain range deep beneath the Southern Ocean’s surface.
  • Using state-of-the-art sonar technology, researchers were able to map out the underwater landscape with astonishing accuracy, revealing a vast range of peaks, ridges, and valleys.
    • This newfound mountain range spans hundreds of miles and is estimated to be millions of years old.
  • Geological Significance: This discovery holds immense importance for our understanding of the Earth’s geological history.
    • The underwater mountain range provides key evidence of plate tectonics and the movement of Earth’s crust, as well as the formation of new landmasses.
    • By studying the composition and structure of these underwater formations, scientists will be able to gain insights into the geological processes that have shaped our planet over millions of years.
  • Moreover, the discovery raises intriguing questions about the relationship between underwater mountains and the surface landscapes they may be connected to.
    • Researchers are eager to investigate whether similar mountain ranges exist on land and whether they share a common origin.
  • Implications for Climate and Ecosystems: The newfound underwater mountain range also has significant implications for climate and marine ecosystems.
    • These underwater peaks can act as barriers, influencing ocean currents and affecting nutrient distribution.
    • Understanding the impact of these formations on ocean dynamics is crucial for predicting climate patterns and better managing marine resources.
  • Additionally, these underwater mountains create a unique habitat for a diverse range of marine species.
  • The ridges and valleys provide sheltered zones where marine life can thrive, with the potential for new species discoveries.
  • Protecting these habitats will be critical in preserving the delicate balance of marine ecosystems.

About the Southern Ocean:

  • The Southern Ocean, also referred to as the Antarctic Ocean is one of the Earth's five major ocean basins.
  • Its formation traces back approximately 34 million years when Antarctica and South America underwent a gradual separation, resulting in the creation of the Drake Passage.
    • This passage, situated between the tip of the Antarctic Peninsula and South America, delineates the Southern Ocean from the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Oceans, encompassing their tributary seas surrounding Antarctica below the 60° S latitude.
  • Physiography: The ocean floor structure features a continental shelf, typically less than 160 miles (about 260 km) wide, expanding to a maximum width exceeding 1,600 miles (2,600 km) near the Weddell and Ross seas.
    • Renowned for its robust winds, intense storms, marked seasonal variations, and frigid temperatures, the Southern Ocean is predominantly influenced by the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC).
    • This current, the longest, strongest, and deepest-reaching on Earth, follows a clockwise circulation around the continent, surpassing all others in the volume of water it transports globally.
  • Biodiversity: The Southern Ocean sustains diverse flora and fauna, with a majority of marine life relying on the nutrient-rich phytoplankton found in the Antarctic Convergence.
    • Notable species include whales, penguins, orcas, and seals, contributing to the region's rich biodiversity.