World Coffee Conference (The Hindu)

  • 27 Sep 2023

What is the News ?

The 5th World Coffee Conference (WCC) is happening in Bengaluru, and it's a joint effort by the International Coffee Organization (ICO), the Coffee Board of India, and the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India, along with the Government of Karnataka.

Facts About:

  • This is the first time India is hosting this conference.
  • In the past, the conference has been held in London (2001), Brazil (2005), Guatemala (2010), and Ethiopia (2016).
  • The event is a collaboration between the Coffee Board, the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, and the International Coffee Organization.
  • The conference's mascot is Coffee Swami.
  • The main theme of the conference is "Sustainability through Circular Economy and Regenerative Agriculture.

About the International Coffee Organization:

  • The organization was created in 1963 with support from the United Nations after the first International Coffee Agreement was approved in 1962.
  • The ICO is a special international group that brings together countries that export and import coffee.
  • Right now, it represents a big part of the world's coffee - 93% of coffee production and 63% of coffee consumption.
  • Their mission is to make the coffee business better all around the world in a way that's good for everyone involved.
  • There are 49 countries in this group, with 42 of them exporting coffee and 7 of them importing it. India is one of these member countries.