Netzah Yehuda Battalion

  • 23 Apr 2024

Why is it in the News?

The US government may soon sanction a battalion of the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) over alleged human rights violations, marking the first such move in the history of the two countries’ relations.

What is the Netzah Yehuda Battalion?

  • The Netzah Yehuda battalion was set up in 1999 to accommodate the religious beliefs of ultra-Orthodox Jews and other religious nationalist recruits in the army.
  • It was established to facilitate military service for these communities, accommodating their religious observances by scheduling prayer and study times, and restricting their interactions with female soldiers.
  • The battalion is historically stationed in the occupied West Bank region and faces intense scrutiny for allegedly committing human rights violations against Palestinians.
  • Netzah Yehuda came on the radar of United States agencies after the death of an elderly Palestinian-American man, who was detained by the battalion.

What is the Unit Accused Of?

  • The United States called for a criminal investigation after Netzah Yehuda soldiers were accused of being involved in the death of a 78-year-old Palestinian-American, Omar Assad, who died of a heart attack in 2022 after he was detained and was later found abandoned at a building site.
  • A Palestinian autopsy found Assad died from a stress-induced heart attack brought on by being manhandled.
  • The case attracted unusual attention because of his dual nationality, his age, and a demand by the U.S. State Department for an investigation into his death.
  • There have been several other incidents in recent years, some captured on video, in which Netzah Yehuda soldiers were accused of, or charged with, abusing Palestinian detainees.
  • The battalion primarily operated in the West Bank before it was moved out of the territory in late 2022 after U.S. criticism.
  • The unit has recently been serving in Gaza.