Is White Lung Syndrome caused by a new pathogen? Here is what you need to know (Indian Express)

  • 04 Dec 2023

Why is it in the News?

An outbreak of a respiratory illness in northern China and Ohio in the US — the White Lung Syndrome as people are calling it — has sparked speculation online of a new pandemic threat after COVID-19.

About White Lung Syndrome:

  • “White lung syndrome” is a term used to describe a severe form of pneumonia characterized by the appearance of white patches on chest X-rays.
    • While the term suggests a specific disease, it is actually used to describe a variety of conditions that cause similar symptoms.
  • Symptoms: The specific symptoms of white lung syndrome can vary depending on the underlying cause, but some of the most common symptoms include:
    • Cough, feThere is no specific way to prevent white lung syndrome.
    • ver, shortness of breath, chest pain, fatigue, loss of appetite and wheezing
    • In severe cases, white lung syndrome can lead to respiratory failure, which is a life-threatening condition.
  • Causes: There are many different causes of white lung syndrome, including:
    • Viral infections: These are the most common cause of white lung syndrome, including viruses like influenza, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and COVID-19.
    • Bacterial infections: These are less common than viral infections, but can still cause white lung syndrome.
    • Fungal infections: These are rare, but can occur in people with weakened immune systems.
    • Inhalation of harmful substances: This can include inhaling dust, fumes, or chemicals.
    • Autoimmune diseases: These are diseases in which the body’s immune system attacks healthy tissues.
  • Prevention: There is no specific way to prevent white lung syndrome.
    • However, there are vaccines available for some of the viruses that can cause white lung syndrome, such as influenza and COVID-19.
  • Treatment: The treatment for white lung syndrome depends on the underlying cause.
    • In some cases, antibiotics or antiviral medications may be prescribed.
    • In more severe cases, oxygen therapy or mechanical ventilation may be necessary.