Defence upgrade roadmap: Apex body led by Prime Minister, MoD sci-tech unit (Indian Express)

  • 17 Jan 2024

Why is it in the News?

The expert committee, led by Vijay Raghavan, the former principal scientific advisor, proposed that the country's defence technology roadmap be overseen by an apex body called the Defence Technology Council, with the Prime Minister serving as its chair.

The context in which the Vijay Raghavan Committee was Established:

  • Formed by the government last year, the committee was tasked with assessing the functioning of the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO).
    • The committee's report, submitted this month, follows the government's initiative to address significant delays in various DRDO projects.
  • This scrutiny comes in response to concerns raised by the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Defence, which noted that 23 out of 55 mission mode projects faced substantial delays.
    • In 2022, the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) highlighted that 67% of the 178 scrutinized projects failed to meet their initially proposed timelines.
  • The CAG attributed these delays to factors such as persistent alterations in design specifications, delays in completing user trials, and delays in placing supply orders.
    • The prevalent practice of seeking multiple extensions for projects, particularly those designated under the Mission Mode category, has been identified as undermining the intended purpose of these initiatives.

Major Recommendations of the Vijay Raghavan Committee:

  • Establishment of the Defence Technology Council: Headed by the Prime Minister, with the Defence Minister and the National Security Advisor serving as Vice Presidents.
    • This council is envisioned to play a pivotal role in charting the nation's defence technology roadmap, deciding on significant projects, and overseeing their execution.
    • An executive committee, led by the Chief of Defence Staff, is proposed, featuring members such as the Principal Scientific Advisor, the three service chiefs, their vice chiefs, and representation from academia and industry.
  • Creation of the Department of Defence Science, Technology, and Innovation: To be led by a technocrat, this department aims to foster defence research and development within the academic and startup ecosystem.
    • Additionally, it is designated as the secretariat for the Defence Tech Council chaired by the Prime Minister.
    • Drawing expertise from scientists in the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) and academia, it will compile a knowledge repository on production expertise, conduct background research for the Defence Tech Council, and contribute to informed decisions on technology production.
  • Restructuring of DRDO's Focus: Recommends that DRDO concentrate on its original mission of research and development for defence purposes.
    • The suggestion is for DRDO to abstain from involvement in productization, production cycles, and product management, tasks deemed more suitable for the private sector.
  • Currently, DRDO is engaged in all aspects of its projects, spanning from research and development to production.