Universal Postal Union

  • 10 Oct 2024

In News:

The Universal Postal Union (UPU) is set to assess the integration of the Unified Payment Interface (UPI) with cross-border remittances via the global postal network, according to a recent official announcement.

About the Universal Postal Union

The UPU is a specialized agency of the United Nations and serves as the main platform for international cooperation in the postal sector. Established by the Treaty of Bern in 1874, it stands as the second oldest international organization in the world.


The UPU coordinates postal policies among its member nations and oversees the global postal system. It establishes the rules for international mail exchanges and makes recommendations aimed at enhancing the volume and quality of mail, parcel, and financial services. Additionally, it plays an advisory, mediating, and liaison role while providing technical assistance when necessary.


Any member state of the United Nations is eligible to join the UPU. Non-member countries can also become UPU members, subject to approval by at least two-thirds of the existing member nations. Currently, the UPU comprises 192 member countries.


The UPU consists of four main bodies:

1.       The Congress: The highest authority of the UPU, convening every four years.

2.       The Council of Administration: Responsible for ensuring the continuity of UPU operations between Congresses and supervising activities related to regulatory, administrative, legislative, and legal matters.

3.       The Postal Operations Council: Acts as the technical and operational hub of the UPU, composed of 48 member countries elected during Congress.

4.       The International Bureau: Functions as the secretariat, providing logistical and technical support to the other UPU bodies.

The headquarters of the Universal Postal Union is located in Bern, Switzerland.