Govt's new code bars unethical marketing of drugs by pharma firms

  • 13 Mar 2024

Why is it in the News?

The government has notified a new legal code to curb the unethical marketing of drugs and banning medical representatives from using “inducement” to access healthcare professionals

About the Uniform Code of Pharmaceutical Marketing Practices (UCPMP) 2024:

  • The UCPMP 2024 has been implemented to regulate unethical practices within the pharmaceutical industry, with a focus on promoting transparency and ethical conduct.
    • The updated guidelines encompass various aspects, including drug endorsement, promotion, ethical behavior for medical representatives, and the maintenance of professional relationships with healthcare professionals.

Key provisions of the UCPMP 2024 include:

  • Prohibiting the offering of gifts and travel facilities to healthcare professionals or their family members by pharmaceutical companies.
  • Mandating that medical representatives should not use any form of inducement or subterfuge to gain interviews with healthcare professionals, nor should they provide payment for access under any guise.
  • Holding pharmaceutical companies responsible for the actions of their medical representatives.
  • Banning the supply of free drug samples to individuals who are not qualified to prescribe such products.
  • Requiring each pharmaceutical company to maintain detailed records of free samples provided to healthcare practitioners, with the total value of distributed samples not exceeding two percent of the company's domestic sales per year.
  • Compulsory constitution of an Ethics Committee for Pharmaceutical Marketing Practices (ECPMP) by all pharmaceutical associations, along with the establishment of a dedicated UCPMP portal on their websites for implementation and monitoring purposes.
  • Detailed guidelines on how drugs should be promoted in textual and audio-visual marketing materials, ensuring that information is balanced, up-to-date, verifiable, and non-misleading.
  • Restrictions on making unverified claims and comparisons about a drug's usefulness, as well as using terms like "safe" and "new" without proper qualification.
  • Assigning responsibility for adherence to the UCPMP 2024 to the Chief Executive Officers of pharmaceutical companies.
  • Outlining penalties for violating the code and establishing a clear process for handling complaints, ensuring accountability and effective oversight.
  • The UCPMP 2024 serves as a comprehensive framework for promoting ethical practices within the pharmaceutical industry, aiming to protect the interests of patients, healthcare professionals, and other stakeholders while fostering an environment of transparency and integrity.