• 26 Oct 2023

What is the News ?

The United Nations Forum on Forests (UNFF) will organise a Country-Led Initiative (CLI) event hosted by the Ministry of Environment, Forests, and Climate Change from October 26–28, 2023, at the Forest Research Institute (FRI), Dehradun, Uttarakhand.

Facts About:

  • It encourages the sustainable development, preservation, and management of all kinds of forests.
  • The UNEconomic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC) was founded it in 2000.
  • Every year, the Forum gathers at the UN Headquarters in New York to discuss high-level policy issues in even years and technical issues in odd years, bringing together representatives of all member states and agencies with an interest in forests.
  • All United Nations members as well as specialized agencies make up the forum, which has universal membership.
  • India is one of UNFF's founding members.