The League of Arab States (LAS)/Arab League

  • 24 May 2024

Why is it in the News?

The Arab League called recently for a UN peacekeeping force in the "occupied Palestinian territories" at an international summit dominated by the war between Israel and Hamas.

What is the Arab League?

  • The League of Arab States was formed in Cairo on 22 March 1945 with six members: Egypt, Iraq, Transjordan (later renamed Jordan), Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and Syria, with Yemen joining on 5 May 1945.
    • It currently has 22 member states; Algeria, Bahrain, Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt, Iraq, Jordon, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Palestinian Authority, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates and Yemen.
  • Four countries have been admitted as observers: Brazil, Eritrea, India and Venezuela.
  • Each member state has one vote in the League Council, while decisions are binding only on those states that have voted for them.
  • The official language of the Arab League and its 22 member states is Arabic.
  • The league seeks to promote the political, social, and military interests of its members.
  • The head of the league is known as the secretary-general.
    • The secretary-general is appointed to a five-year term by a two-thirds majority of league members.
  • Headquarters: Cairo, Egypt.


  • The overall aim of the league is to promote Arab interests.
  • Its main goals are to strengthen and coordinate the political, cultural, economic, and social programs of its members and to try to settle disputes among them or between them and third parties.
  • In 1950 the members also agreed to provide military support to help defend each other.

The Arab League Council:

  • The League Council is the highest body of the Arab League and is composed of representatives of member states, typically foreign ministers, their representatives, or permanent delegates.
    • Each member state has one vote.
  • The Council meets twice a year, in March and September. Two or more members may request a special session if they desire.
  • The general secretariat manages the daily operations of the league and is headed by the secretary-general.
  • The general secretariat is the administrative body of the league, the executive body of the council, and the specialized ministerial councils.