Survey of India (SoI)

  • 23 Apr 2024

Why is it in the News?

The Tamil Nadu government filed its objections in the Supreme Court recently, about the Survey of India (SOI) report on the construction of the mega car parking project near the Mullaiperiyar dam, and sought rejection of the report.

What is the Survey of India (SoI)?

  • The Survey of India (SoI) serves as the National Survey and Mapping Organization of India, operating under the Department of Science and Technology.
  • Established in 1767, it holds the distinction of being the oldest scientific department within the Government of India.
  • Tasked with the critical role of being the country's primary mapping agency, SoI bears the responsibility of thoroughly exploring and mapping India's terrain to furnish foundational maps for comprehensive and efficient development initiatives.
  • Originally comprising only five directorates in 1950, primarily focused on catering to the mapping requirements of the Defense Forces in the Northwest and Northeast regions, the department has since expanded to encompass 18 directorates spread across the nation, ensuring comprehensive map coverage essential for national development.
  • SoI's expertise is widely utilized by various ministries and government undertakings for diverse purposes, including delineating international borders, and state boundaries, and facilitating the planned development of previously underserved areas.
  • Moreover, SoI actively contributes to numerous national scientific endeavors in fields such as geophysics, remote sensing, and digital data transmission.
  • Functioning as a key advisor to the Government of India on all survey-related matters, including geodesy, photogrammetry, mapping, and map reproduction, SoI fulfills a multitude of duties and responsibilities, which include:
    • Conducting all geodetic control, geodetic, and geophysical surveys.
    • Undertaking topographical control, surveys, and mapping within India.
    • Producing geographical maps and aeronautical charts.
    • Conducting surveys for developmental projects.
    • Mapping forests, cantonments, large-scale city surveys, guide maps, cadastral surveys, etc.
    • Engaging in surveys and mapping for specialized purposes.
    • Demarcating India's external boundaries, depicting them on published maps, and advising on inter-state boundary demarcation.
    • Conducting research and development in cartography, printing, geodesy, photogrammetry, topographical surveys, and indigenization.
    • Predicting tides at 44 ports, including 14 foreign ports, and publishing tide tables one year in advance to support navigational activities.
    • Reviewing and certifying India's external boundaries and coastline on maps published by other entities, including private publishers.
  • Headquartered: Dehradun (Uttarakhand)