Ethylene Oxide

  • 20 Apr 2024

Why is it in the News?

The Singapore Food Agency (SFA) has issued a recall on Indian spice brand Everest’s fish curry masala after detecting an ‘excessive’ amount of ethylene oxide–a pesticide–in it.

What is Ethylene Oxide?

  • Ethylene oxide is a colorless and flammable gas with a slightly sweet odor and It dissolves easily in water.
  • It is widely used in various industries due to its versatile properties.
  • Its primary applications include the production of other chemicals, such as ethylene glycol for antifreeze and polyester, as well as the sterilization of medical equipment.
  • It also has minor applications in agriculture.
    • In this sector, it's used as a fumigant to control insect pests in stored agricultural goods, such as food commodities, to protect them from infestation.
    • This usage makes up less than 1% of its applications, and it is combined with other gases to minimize potential toxicity to humans and the environment.
  • While ethylene oxide plays a significant role in many industrial processes, it also poses health risks to those exposed to it.
  • Potential health effects range from mild symptoms like headaches, nausea, and respiratory issues, to more severe problems such as cancer and reproductive harm.
  • To minimize exposure risks, industries and facilities that use ethylene oxide are subject to environmental regulations and required to implement safety measures.
    • These measures include emission-reducing and monitoring devices, on-site testing, site-specific operating parameters, and regular reporting and record-keeping.
  • Despite these precautions, workers in factories that produce or use ethylene oxide, as well as people living near these facilities, may still face potential health risks.

How Do Pesticides Harm Our Bodies if Present in Food?

  • Pesticides, designed to ward off unwanted organisms in agriculture, can pose extensive risks to human health if they find their way into our food chain.
  • Even a brief exposure to some of them can cause acute poisoning and symptoms, including diarrhea, dehydration, and skin irritation.
  • Some insecticides like Resmethrin, Cypermethrin, and Fenvalerate have been connected to chronic health issues, which include reproductive complications, immune system disruption, pores, and skin infection, and interference with the endocrine system.
  • Even low-level exposure over the years can cause critical health implications.

How Long-term Issues Can be Combated?

  • Some steps can be taken to mitigate the risks associated with pesticides and ethylene oxide exposure.
    • It’s critical to prevent the runoff of insecticides into storm drains, which can contaminate water sources.
    • While using insecticides, it’s essential to consider the characteristics of the application site to minimize unintended exposure.
    • Attention to the geological factors and groundwater depth can prevent pesticide seepage into water reservoirs.
  • By implementing these measures and maintaining strict regulations, we can minimize the health risks posed by these chemical substances.