Phanigiri Artefacts (The Hindu)

  • 12 Sep 2023

What is the News ?

The Phanigiri artefacts, which were found in 1942 and date back to 200 BCE-400 CE, are currently showcased at the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Facts About:

  • The Phanigiri Buddhist site is a significant discovery in Buddhist iconography in this era.
  • Phanigiri, a small village located in Telangana, is where these artefacts were unearthed.

Key Discoveries:

  • The thoranas found at Phanigiri hold great importance, especially because they are some of the earliest ones discovered south of Sanchi.
  • One particular thorana has a panel that depicts both Mahayana and Hinayana schools of Buddhist thought.
  • Evidence from Phanigiri indicates the transformation of Buddha's status, marking a transition from a historical and spiritual figure to canonization and ritualization.
  • In the monograph of this discovery, you can find an image of Buddha wearing what appears to be a Roman toga, carved in limestone.