PM Modi unveils of Sant Ravidas statue in Varanasi on 647th birth anniversary

  • 24 Feb 2024

Why is it in the News?

Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently said that the present government is taking forward the teachings and ideals of Sant Ravidas while following the mantra of ‘Sabka Saath Sabka Vikas, Sabka Vishwas aur Sabka Prayas’.

Who is Guru Ravidas?

  • Guru Ravidass (also Ravidas, Rohidas and Ruhidas in eastern India) was a North Indian Guru mystic of the bhakti movement who was active in the 15th century CE.
  • Venerated in the region of Uttar Pradesh as well as the Indian state of Maharashtra, his devotional songs and verses made a lasting impact upon the bhakti movement.
  • He is often given the honorific Guru.
  • He was a socio-religious reformer, a thinker, a theosophist, a humanist, a poet, a traveller, a pacifist and a spiritual figure before whom even head-priests of Benaras lay prostrate to pay homage.
  • His birthday comes every year at Puran Mashi in the month of Magh.
  • His mother’s name was Mata Kalsi and his father’s name was Baba Santokh Dass.
  • Guru Ravidass was born into a humble family which was considered untouchable as per the social order prevailing at that time in Hindu society.
  • He spearheaded the fight against man-made discrimination based on caste, colour or creed and preached the lofty ideas of socialism, secularism, equality and fraternity.
  • He taught the lessons of universal brotherhood, tolerance, and the message of loving your neighbour, which got more importance in today’s world.
  • Guru Ravidass fulfilled Guru Nanak Dev’s request by donating old manuscripts, which contained a collection of Guru Ravidass’s verses and poems.
    • The earliest collection of these poems is available in Sri Guru Granth Sahib.
    • It was compiled by Guru Arjan Dev, the fifth Guru of the Sikhs.
    • There are 41 verses of Guru Ravidass in the Sikh Holy Book, Guru Granth Sahib.
  • Meera Bai, a revered figure in Hindu spiritualism, is said to have considered Guru Ravidas as her spiritual Guru.
  • It is said that Guru Ravidass disappeared from the world, leaving behind only his footprints.
    • Some believe that Guru Ravidass lived in Banaras during his last days, dying a natural death at the age of 126 years.