Operation Sadbhav

  • 15 Sep 2024

In News:

India has launched Operation Sadbhav to deliver crucial humanitarian aid to Myanmar, Laos, and Vietnam, all of which have been devastated by Typhoon Yagi. This powerful storm, the most severe in Asia this year, has led to extensive flooding and widespread destruction across the affected countries.

Relief Efforts:

In response to the crisis, India has mobilized a significant amount of aid. The Indian naval ship INS Satpura has transported 10 tonnes of relief supplies, including dry rations, clothing, and medicines, to Myanmar. Concurrently, the Indian Air Force has dispatched a military transport aircraft with 35 tonnes of aid to Vietnam and an additional 10 tonnes to Laos. The aid includes essential items such as generators, water purification systems, hygiene kits, mosquito nets, blankets, and sleeping bags, which are crucial for addressing immediate needs during this emergency.

India's Proactive Approach:

Operation Sadbhav highlights India's proactive approach to humanitarian assistance and disaster relief, emphasizing its role as a leading responder in the region. This initiative reflects India's commitment to providing support to its neighboring countries in times of crisis and aligns with its broader 'Act East Policy,' which aims to strengthen relations with ASEAN member states through practical assistance and cooperation.

Strategic Importance:

The operation also underscores India's strategic goals of enhancing regional stability and reinforcing its position as a reliable partner in disaster management. By providing timely aid, India demonstrates its dedication to supporting regional stability and contributing to international humanitarian efforts.

Global Recognition and Cooperation:

India's response to Typhoon Yagi has received international acknowledgment for its effectiveness and promptness. The coordination of these relief efforts highlights the importance of global solidarity in addressing humanitarian crises and building resilience in disaster-affected regions.


Operation Sadbhav is a clear demonstration of India's commitment to timely and substantial humanitarian assistance. It not only showcases India's proactive diplomacy but also strengthens its ties with ASEAN nations through meaningful cooperation in times of adversity. The ongoing relief efforts are a testament to India's role as a responsible global stakeholder in disaster response and recovery.