New Spider Species (HT)

  • 13 Sep 2023

What is the News ?

In recent discoveries, two new spider species, named Palpimanus Godawan and Palpimanus Maldhok, were identified within the conservation areas of Rajasthan Desert National Park and Solapur.

Facts About:

  • These two spider species, Godawan and Maldhok, have been named in tribute to the local name of the Great Indian Bustard.

Features of these Spiders:

  • These spiders are quite reserved and tend to seek shelter under rocks or in crevices when they feel disturbed.
  • They exhibit a maroon coloration, a distinctive characteristic shared with the other two recognized species within the Palpimanidae genus.
  • Being ground-dwelling creatures, they possess relatively robust bodies, which restricts their ability to disperse in the typical spider fashion through ballooning or shooting webs to move from place to place.
  • They tend to remain within a limited area.