Minister Bhupendra Yadav launches NTPS, a unified system for forest goods’ transport across India (Indian Express)

  • 30 Dec 2023

Why is it in the News?

The central government on Friday launched the National Transit Pass System (NTPS) to facilitate seamless transit of forest goods across the country through a single permit.

About the National Transit Pass System (NTPS):

  • The National Transit Pass System (NTPS) is established to facilitate the smooth transit of timber, bamboo, and other forest produce across the country.
    • Currently, transit permits are issued based on state-specific rules, leading to a fragmented system.
  • The NTPS aims to implement a "One Nation-One Pass" regime, ensuring seamless transit across the entire nation.
  • This initiative streamlines the issuance of timber transit permits by providing a unified online platform for tree growers and farmers engaged in agroforestry, contributing to a more business-friendly environment.

Key Features of NTPS:

  • Unified Online Platform: The NTPS offers a unified, online mode for obtaining timber transit permits, simplifying the process for tree growers and farmers involved in agroforestry nationwide.
  • Record Management: It manages records for both inter-state and intra-state transportation of timber, bamboo, and other forest produce from various sources, including private lands, government-owned forests, and private depots.
  • QR Coded Transit Permits: The system generates QR coded transit permits, enabling check gates across states to verify the permits' validity and ensure seamless transit.
  • User-Friendly Applications: NTPS provides desktop and mobile applications for easy registration and permit applications, enhancing user convenience.
  • Regulated Species and Exemptions: Transit permits are issued for regulated tree species, while users can self-generate No Objection Certificates for exempted species.
  • State Participation: Presently, 25 States and Union Territories have adopted the unified permit system, simplifying interstate business operations for producers, farmers, and transporters.
  • Nodal Ministry: The NTPS operates under the guidance of the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change.