Nugu Wildlife Sanctuary (The Hindu)

  • 23 Nov 2023

Why is it in the News?

The National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA) has recommended to the authorities that the Nugu Wildlife Sanctuary abutting the Bandipur Tiger Reserve be declared as a core critical tiger habitat.

About Nugu Wildlife Sanctuary:

  • The Nugu Wildlife Sanctuary is situated in the Heggadadevanakote Taluk of Mysore district in Karnataka and comprises the Lakshmanapura State Forest.
  • In 1974, Nugu was declared as a Wildlife Sanctuary and later during the year 2003-2004, the area of Nugu Wildlife Sanctuary was added to the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve.
  • On the western side of the sanctuary lies the backwater of Nugu Dam which forms the part of the Nugu Wildlife Sanctuary.
  • On the southwestern side, the area touches the Alaganchi State Forest which comes under the Bandipur Tiger Reserve.
  • During the summer, elephants migrate from the adjoining area and congregate on the foreshore area because here, the backwater recedes and the area becomes temporary vast grassland due to the availability of fodder and water.

Geology of Nugu Wildlife Sanctuary:

  • The Nugu region has red loamy type of soil with boulders.

The climate of Nugu Wildlife Sanctuary:

  • The climate in the Nugu Wildlife Sanctuary is of moderate type with the temperature ranging between14°C to 38°C.
  • The area receives rainfall both from southwest and northeast monsoons.
  • The average amount of rainfall received in this area is 1000mm.
  • Flora: The flora of the Nugu Wildlife Sanctuary is similar to that of the Bandipur National Park.
  • The forests comprise southern mixed deciduous trees and dry deciduous scrubs.
  • Some of the tree species found in this region include Dipterocarpus indicus, Calophyllum tomentosum, and Hopea parviflora.
  • Fauna: Nugu Wildlife Sanctuary has a vast list of fauna with a wildlife population that includes elephants, wild boar, jungle cats, tigers, leopard, bonnet macaque, small Indian civet, back nappe hare, along with reptiles like the marsh crocodile, monitor lizard, cobra, rat snake, etc.
  • With the adoption of the Wildlife Protection Act of 1972, hunting and poaching is banned and illegal in this sanctuary.
  • In recent times, the Nugu Wildlife Sanctuary has been declared to be an eco-sensitive zone, which means there will be no commercial or industrial activity including mining in this area.