• 26 Oct 2023

What is the News ?

NASA is preparing to use its Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope to take humanity's deepest-ever look into the heart of our Milky Way Galaxy.

Facts About:

  • The Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope will offer one of the deepest views into the heart of the Milky Way galaxy.

Its mission includes monitoring hundreds of millions of stars to detect various celestial objects like planets, distant stars, icy objects in our solar system, black holes, and more.

  • It will likely discover the farthest-known exoplanet, opening up new possibilities in the search for other worlds.
  • Time-domain astronomy is a significant focus, studying how the universe changes over time, and Roman contributes to this field.
  • The Galactic Bulge Time-Domain Survey will concentrate on the Milky Way, using infrared vision to see through dust clouds in the galaxy's central region.

The survey will involve taking images every 15 minutes around the clock for about two months, repeated six times over Roman's five-year primary mission.

  • Astronomers anticipate finding over a thousand planets, including some within their host stars' habitable zones.
  • It can detect "rogue" worlds that don't orbit stars, providing insights into planetary system formation.
  • The mission will also identify brown dwarfs and help explore the boundary between planet and star formation.
  • It is expected to spot neutron stars, stellar-mass black holes, Kuiper belt objects, and conduct stellar seismology studies on a million giant stars.

The telescope's broad view of space allows for a new view of an ever-changing universe.

  • The Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope is managed by NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center with participation from several other institutions and partners.