Monoclonal Antibodies (The Hindu)

  • 16 Sep 2023

What is the News ?

India has made a request to Australia for a replenishment of monoclonal antibody doses to fight against the Nipah virus.

Facts About:

Monoclonal antibodies, often abbreviated as moAbs or mAbs, are artificially created proteins in laboratories that mimic the function of natural antibodies found in our immune system.

  • These antibodies play a crucial role in identifying foreign substances called antigens and attaching to them to neutralize or eliminate them.

The term "monoclonal" indicates that these laboratory-made antibodies are exact copies of a single antibody.

  • They are produced by replicating a specific type of immune cell known as a B cell, resulting in large quantities of identical antibodies.

This process leads to the development of highly specialized antibodies that can precisely target specific antigens, which might include viruses, bacteria, cancer cells, or other disease-related molecules.

  • Their remarkable specificity reduces the risk of unintended side effects.

Monoclonal antibodies find applications in various medical fields, including the treatment of cancer, autoimmune disorders, and infectious diseases.