An initiative to improve nutrition in adolescent girls using Ayurveda under Mission Utkarsh

  • 27 Feb 2024

Why is it in the News?

The project for anemia control under Mission Utkarsh will be a joint public health initiative by the Ministries of Ayush and Women and Child Development and will be launched in five aspirational districts first as a pilot project.

About Mission Utkarsh:

  • Mission Utkarsh was launched in January 2022, a new initiative of “rapid improvement of selected Districts” to improve.
  • Under this mission, 15 central ministries and departments are working to bring select key performance indicators in bottom districts to the state and national average.
  • Over 94,000 adolescent girls between the age group of 14-18 years registered under Poshan Tracker at approximately 10,000 Anganwadi Centres will benefit in 12 12-month periods of the program.
  • The coordinating agency for the project will be the Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences (CCRAS).
  • Classical Ayurveda medicines (Drakshavaleha and Punarnavadi mandoor) for better nutrition to improve the health of the anemic adolescent girls will be provided for a period of 3 months.
  • These five districts are Dhubri in Assam, Bastar in Chhattisgarh, Paschimi Singhbhum in Jharkhand, Gadchiroli in Maharashtra, and Dholpur in Rajasthan.
  • Building research capacity through training, conferences, workshops, and seminars with the active participation of researchers of integrative healthcare would be enhanced.

What is Anaemia?

  • According to WHO, anemia occurs when there is a lower-than-normal count of red blood cells or a reduced hemoglobin concentration within them, crucial for oxygen transport throughout the body.


  • This condition leads to symptoms like fatigue, weakness, dizziness, and shortness of breath due to decreased oxygen-carrying capacity in the blood.


  • Iron deficiency is the most common nutritional cause, although deficiencies in folate, vitamins B12 and A can also contribute.
    • Chronic diseases like kidney or liver disease, cancer, and genetic conditions such as sickle cell anemia further exacerbate anemia.


  • Anaemia has significant implications, particularly affecting vulnerable populations like pregnant women and children under five, impacting reproductive health and reducing work capacity, thus posing an economic burden.

Anaemia in India:

  • India faces a substantial anemia burden, with recent surveys indicating alarming prevalence rates among women aged 15-49 and children aged six months to five years, highlighting the urgent need for public health interventions.