Megalithic Dolmen Site Near Moodbidri (The Hindu)

  • 13 Sep 2023

What is the News ?

During recent archaeological excavations at the megalithic dolmen site near Moodbidri in Dakshina Kannada, researchers discovered terracotta figurines in various states of preservation that are quite distinct.

Facts About:

The Megalithic culture in India is renowned for its various burial practices and the use of iron.

  • One of these practices involves the construction of dolmens.


  • Dolmens consisted of large stone slabs, known as orthostats, placed in a clockwise arrangement, forming a square chamber.
  • This square chamber was sealed by another massive stone slab acting as a capstone.
  • Typically, an entrance, often circular or U-shaped, known as a port hole, was created on the Eastern slab.

In South India, it was known by various names such as Kalmane, Pandavara Mane, Moriyara Mane, and Moriyara Betta, highlighting its popularity among the local population.


  • The presence of cow bovines in these dolmens assists in establishing their historical timeline.

The discovery of terracotta artifacts within megalithic burials provides valuable insights into the Bhoota cult or Daiva Aradhane in coastal Karnataka.

Similarities with cow goddess figures are observed in the megalithic terracotta figurines of Malampuzha in Kerala and even in Egypt.