LK-99 (The Hindu)

  • 29 Aug 2023

What is the News ?

Independent scientists have found that LK-99 is not a superconductor.

Facts About:

  • LK-99 has been claimed by South Korean scientists as a superconductor at room temperature and atmospheric pressure. However, currently scientists have discarded their claims.

What are the reasons behind discarding LK-99 as a superconductor?

  • First, when superconductors get cold, they push away magnets, causing repulsion below their transition temperature. The South Korean video showed LK-99 partly repelling a magnet. However, independent researchers found that the material was an insulator whose impurities could be magnetized.
  • Second, the South Korean scientists saw less resistance in LK-99 around 104°C, which could mean it’s a superconductor. However, researchers found that this drop occurred due to the copper sulphide impurities present in the material.
  • Hence, as per the scientists, no formal confirmation aligns with the initial declarationthat this material can conduct electricity without resistance in regular conditions.

What lies ahead?

  • The LK-99 case raises concerns over misunderstandings caused in the open science competition. However, this misunderstanding shouldn’t stop open collaboration.
  • Moreover, now, the burden lies on South Korean group to show evidence for their claim

