Kisan Credit Card (KCC) (PIB)

  • 13 Sep 2023

What is the News ?

Union Minister of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Shri Parshottam Rupala chaired a National KCC Conference in Mumbai on 4th September 2023 to boost Kisan Credit Card (KCC) saturation among animal husbandry and dairy farmers.

Facts About:

Ministry: Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying.

Historical Background: Introduced in 1998 to simplify and streamline access to timely credit support for farmers. Expanded in 2004 to include allied and non-farm activities. Extended to fisheries and animal husbandry in the Budget-2018-19.


  • Meet short-term credit needs for cultivation.
  • Cover post-harvest expenses.
  • Fulfill household consumption needs.
  • Implementing Agencies: Commercial Banks, Regional Rural Banks (RRBs), Small Finance Banks, Cooperatives.

Salient Features:

  • Offers an ATM-enabled RuPay Card.
  • Requires one-time documentation.
  • Allows for cost escalation in the limit.
  • Permits multiple withdrawals within the limit.
  • Covers post-harvest expenses, produce marketing loans, and household consumption.
  • Repayment period aligned with crop harvesting and marketing.
  • Maximum short-term loan tenure: 1 year, long-term loan: 5 years.
  • Interest subvention scheme of 2% for short-term crop loans up to Rs. 3 lakh.
  • Additional 2% interest subvention and 3% prompt repayment incentive.
  • Simple interest for prompt payments; compound interest for delays.


  • Interest rates as low as 2.00%.
  • No security required for loans up to Rs. 1.60 lakh.
  • Crop insurance coverage against various calamities.
  • Insurance coverage for permanent disability, death, and other risks provided to farmers.