C-Dome Defense System

  • 10 Apr 2024

Why is it in the News?

Israel for the first time used a seaborne missile defense system to shoot down a drone approaching from the Red Sea that had set off sirens in the port city of Eilat.

What is the C-Dome Defense System?

  • The C-Dome is a naval version of Israel's Iron Dome air defense system, designed to protect against rocket and missile attacks.
  • Drawing from Iron Dome's technology, C-Dome shares its 90% effectiveness rate and utilizes radars to detect and destroy short-range rockets with its missiles.

Operational Deployment and Integration:

  • First unveiled in 2014 and declared operational in 2022, the C-Dome is mounted on Sa'ar 6-class corvettes and German-made warships.
  • It employs the same interceptor as the Iron Dome but differs in its integration with the ship's radar for target detection, ensuring full-circular vessel protection.

Combatting Modern Threats:

  • C-Dome's primary objective is to counter a wide range of modern maritime and coastal threats with high kill probability.
  • Its successful deployment and performance underscore its pivotal role in safeguarding Israel's naval interests and assets against evolving security challenges.

About Iron Dome:

  • Developed by Rafael Advanced Defense Systems and Israel Aerospace Industries, the Iron Dome is a cutting-edge air missile defense system that offers protection against short-range rockets by intercepting them above Israeli territory.
  • With its multi-rocket handling capacity, Iron Dome became operational in 2011 and features:
    • All-weather capabilities for day and night functionality
    • Launching versatility with various interceptor missiles
    • A range of approximately 40 miles
    • Portable design for deployment on ships or land
    • Adaptive defense through reloadable interceptors

Iron Dome consists of three key elements:

    • Radar system for detecting incoming rockets
    • Command-and-control mechanism to evaluate threat levels
    • Interceptors are designed to neutralize incoming rockets before impact
  • These components work in tandem to provide Israel with a robust and reliable defense against aerial threats.