Interactive Voice Response System (IVRS)

  • 08 May 2024

Why is it in the News?

Political parties are currently reaching out to voters through Interactive Voice Response System (IVRS) calls on a daily basis.

What is an Interactive Voice Response System?

  • Interactive voice response is a technology that allows telephone users to interact with a computer-operated telephone system through the use of voice and DTMF tones input with a keypad.
  • IVR or Interactive Voice Response software accepts caller input, either voice or touch-tone, in response to pre-recorded prompts, and provides programmed responses.
  • The responses can range from simple call routing to complex actions involving several external systems and data points depending on the software’s sophistication.
  • The name, “interactive voice response” is derived from the caller responding to interactive options, offered by a pre-recorded voice.


  • IVRS is powered by pre-recorded messaging or text-to-speech technology.
  • It features a dual-tone multi-frequency (DTMF) interface.


  • Touch-tone replacement: This system prompts callers to use a touch-tone keypad selection to access information.
  • Directed dialogue: Provides specific verbal prompts to callers depending on their inquiry.
  • Natural language: Employs speech recognition to better understand user requests.
  • Industry Application: IVRS technology has been widely used across multiple industries, including banking, customer service, education, healthcare, and travel.


  • Increased customer satisfaction by providing a streamlined experience.
  • Improved contact centre operations and KPIs through call volume management.
  • Reduced hold times during high call volume periods.
  • Cost-effectiveness by reducing the need for customer service representatives.