World Press Freedom Index 2024

  • 04 May 2024

Why is it in the News?

India’s score on the World Press Freedom Index fell over the last year, from 36.62 to 31.28, according to World Press Freedom Index.

About World Press Freedom Index 2024:

  • The World Press Freedom Index, an annual report published by Reporters Without Borders (RSF), evaluates the ability of journalists to work and report freely and independently across 180 countries.
  • The index ranks nations based on a press freedom questionnaire covering five categories:
    • Political context
    • Legal framework
    • Economic context
    • Ssociocultural context, and
    • Security
  • It is important to note that the index focuses solely on press freedom and does not assess the quality of journalism or human rights violations in general.

Key Findings in the 2024 Index:

  • Global decline: The report reveals an overall deterioration in press freedom worldwide, with an average drop of 7.6 points.
  • Political repression: There has been a sharp increase in political repression against journalists and independent media outlets.
  • Top-ranking countries:
    • Norway ranks first, followed by Denmark and Sweden.
    • European countries, particularly those within the European Union, continue to demonstrate strong press freedom.
  • Regions with the worst performance: The Maghreb and Middle East regions face the most significant restrictions on press freedom imposed by government forces.
  • Lowest-ranking countries:
    • Eritrea ranks last, followed by Syria and Afghanistan.

India's Ranking:

  • Although India's rank slightly improved from 161 in 2023 to 159 in 2024, this change is primarily due to other countries dropping in their rankings.
  • India experienced a decline in all indicators except security.
  • Notably, India ranks behind Turkey, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka, which hold positions 158, 152, and 150, respectively.