India Status Report on Road Safety 2024

  • 18 Sep 2024

In News:

The "India Status Report on Road Safety 2024," prepared by the TRIP Centre at IIT Delhi, highlights India's slow progress in reducing road accident fatalities and emphasizes the need for a tailored approach to road safety.

Key Findings:

  • Road Safety Analysis:
    • The report analyzes road safety data from FIRs across six states and evaluates compliance with Supreme Court directives on road safety.
    • There are significant disparities in road traffic death rates among states, with motorcyclists and truck-related fatalities being notably high.
    • Road traffic injuries remain a critical public health issue, with little progress in reducing fatalities. Many states are unlikely to meet the UN goal of halving traffic deaths by 2030.
  • Health Impact:
    • In 2021, road traffic injuries ranked as the 13th leading cause of death in India and the 12th leading cause of health loss (measured in Disability-Adjusted Life Years, or DALYs). Six states listed road traffic injuries among their top 10 health loss causes.
  • Crash Surveillance Deficiencies:
    • India lacks a national crash-level database, relying on police station records, which are often incomplete and inaccurate. This hampers effective public policy and intervention strategies.
  • State Performance:
    • There is a threefold variation in per capita death rates across states. Tamil Nadu, Telangana, and Chhattisgarh have the highest rates, while West Bengal and Bihar have the lowest.
    • Pedestrians, cyclists, and motorized two-wheeler riders are the most common accident victims, with trucks accounting for a large share of accidents.
    • Helmet usage is low, especially in rural areas, and basic traffic safety measures are inadequate across many states.
  • Global Comparison:
    • India's road safety governance is starkly lagging compared to developed nations. By 2021, Indians were 600% more likely to die in road accidents compared to their counterparts in countries like Sweden.

Recommendations for Improvement

  1. National Database: Establish a comprehensive, publicly accessible database for fatal crashes to enhance understanding of risks and evaluate the effectiveness of interventions.
  2. Scaled Interventions: Prioritize road safety measures at both Central and State levels, tailored to the specific challenges of each region.
  3. Public Awareness and Safety: Increase public awareness of road safety measures, particularly helmet usage, and improve trauma care facilities.
  4. Infrastructure Audit: Conduct thorough audits of National and State Highways to identify safety gaps and implement necessary improvements.

By implementing these recommendations, India can take meaningful steps toward improving road safety and reducing fatalities.