Naval Anti-Ship Missile Short Range (NASM-SR) (TOI)

  • 22 Nov 2023

Why is it in the News?

The Indian Navy successfully test-fired an indigenous anti-ship missile over the Arabian Sea, marking a significant step in India's efforts towards self-reliance in defense technologies.

About Naval Anti-Ship Missile Short Range (NASM-SR):

  • This revolutionary missile NASM-SR, entirely developed by Indian scientists and engineers, represents a huge stride in the indigenization of India's defense infrastructure.
  • The project is a collaborative effort between various esteemed agencies, including the Defense Research and Development Organisation (DRDO).
  • The successful trial brings a sense of pride and accomplishment to India's defense realm.
  • Launch Capability: This advanced missile is designed for launch from attack helicopters, presenting a versatile addition to the naval arsenal.
  • Replacement for Sea Eagle: NASM-SR is slated to replace the existing Sea Eagle missiles currently in use by the Navy, aligning with the imperative of modernization and technological advancement.
  • Integration with MH-60R Helicopters: As Sea King helicopters are phased out, the NASM-SR is anticipated to integrate seamlessly with the new MH-60R multi-role helicopters, a pivotal component of the Navy's evolving fleet.

Key Features:

  • The missile incorporates a state-of-the-art guidance system and integrated avionics.
  • It introduces indigenous launcher technology tailored for helicopter deployment.
  • Possessing a striking range of approximately 60 km.
  • Travels at a speed of Mach 0.8, slightly below the speed of sound.
  • Equipped with a 100kg warhead, rendering it capable of neutralizing patrol boats and causing substantial damage to larger warships.
  • Employs an imaging infrared seeker to target heat emissions, enhancing precision in homing onto its designated targets.
  • During the approach to its target, the NASM-SR operates at just 5 meters above sea level, a strategic feature known as sea skimming.
  • This low-level approach minimizes the susceptibility to detection, tracking, and interception by enemy radars or surface-to-air missiles.