• 25 Oct 2023

What is the News ?

Recently, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), published the "International Migration Outlook 2023."

Facts About:

  • In 2021 and 2022, India had the largest migration flows to nations that are members of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
  • In terms of citizenship, 0.13 million Indians became citizens of an OECD nation in 2021.
  • The ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine has caused the greatest level of internal displacement and refugee inflows into the OECD, with over 10 million people becoming internally displaced or refugees.
  • In terms of workers, migration flows from India (+172 percent), Uzbekistan (+122 percent), and Turkey (+240 percent) increased dramatically, making them the primary countries of origin after Ukraine.

About the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD):

  • The OECD is an international group of 38 countries that aims to foster economic development, and cooperation, and combat poverty by promoting economic stability.
  • It was founded in 1961, by 18 European nations, the United States, and Canada.

                 Its headquarters are in Paris, France.

  • Primary Goal: The primary goal of the OECD is to create policies that promote prosperity, equality, opportunity, and well-being for everyone.
  • They produce economic reports, data, and predictions about global economic growth.
  • The OECD also works to combat bribery and financial crimes worldwide, maintaining a list of uncooperative tax havens.
  • India is not a member of the OECD, but a key economic partner.