Digital Twins (TOI)

  • 25 Nov 2023

Why is it in the News?

 Recently, the Survey of India (SoI) and Genesys International, a prominent Indian mapping company, revealed a strategic collaboration for the implementation of a three-dimensional (3D) digital twin-mapping initiative in India.

About Digital Twin:

  • Digital twins are digital representations of physical objects, people or processes.
  • They aid decision-making through high-fidelity simulations of the twinned physical system in real-time and are often equipped with autonomous control capabilities.
  • These replicas serve as dynamic and detailed counterparts, providing a real-time, data-driven simulation of their physical counterparts.
  • The concept of digital twins has gained prominence with the advent of technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT), data analytics, and machine learning.
  • In essence, a digital twin continuously collects and processes data from its physical counterpart, offering a comprehensive view of its behavior, status, and interactions.
  • This real-time synchronization enables organizations to monitor, analyze, and understand the performance of physical assets or processes more effectively.


  • Manufacturing Sector: One primary application of digital twins is in the manufacturing sector.
  • Manufacturers use digital twins to create virtual models of products and production processes.
  • This allows for simulation, analysis, and optimization before physical prototypes are built, leading to reduced development costs and improved product quality.
  • Healthcare: In healthcare, digital twins are employed to create personalized models of patients.
  • These models, based on individual health data, help in predicting health outcomes, optimizing treatment plans, and advancing medical research.
  • Transportation: Transportation industries utilize digital twins for optimizing logistics and predictive maintenance.
  • For example, digital twins of aircraft engines can simulate performance under various conditions, aiding in proactive maintenance and minimizing downtime.
  • Urban Planning: Urban planning benefits from digital twins by creating virtual models of entire cities.
  • This assists in designing and optimizing infrastructure, managing resources efficiently, and planning for future growth and development.
  • Industries: In industrial settings, digital twins of production processes enable real-time monitoring, troubleshooting, and optimization, leading to increased efficiency and reduced downtime.