Atmospheric Waves Experiment (Indian Express)

  • 21 Nov 2023

Why is it in the News?

Atmospheric Waves Experiment is a first-of-its-kind NASA experimental attempt aimed at studying the interactions between terrestrial and space weather.

What is the Atmospheric Waves Experiment (AWE)?

  • AWE is a first-of-its-kind NASA experimental attempt aimed at studying the interactions between terrestrial and Space weather.
  • Planned under NASA’s Heliophysics Explorers Program, the $42 million mission will study the links between how waves in the lower layers of the atmosphere impact the upper atmosphere, and thus, Space weather.
  • AWE will be launched and mounted on the exterior of the Earth-orbiting International Space Station (ISS).
  • From the vantage point, it will look down at the Earth and record the colourful light bands, commonly known as airglow.
  • It will try to understand the combination of forces that drive the Space weather in the upper atmosphere.
  • “AWE could open a new window of study, wherein scientists are attempting to understand if Space weather is affected by terrestrial and bottom-up forces.
  • It will measure the airglow at mesopause (about 85 to 87 km above the Earth’s surface), where the atmospheric temperatures dip to minus 100 degrees Celsius.
  • At this altitude, it is possible to capture the faint airglow in the infrared bandwidth, which appears the brightest enabling easy detection.
  • AWE will be able to resolve waves at finer horizontal scales than what satellites can usually see at those altitudes, which is part of what makes the mission unique.
  • The health of the ionosphere, whose lower layers sit at the edge of Space, is important for maintaining seamless communication.
  • It is still not fully understood if the ionosphere is affected by the transient events or intense perturbations resulting from hurricanes or tornadoes.
  • It was expected to launch in the month of August 2022, but the fresh launch is planned for later this month.