Indian Historical Records Commission (IHRC)

  • 26 Apr 2024

Why is it in the News?

Recently, the Indian Historical Records Commission (IHRC) has adopted a new logo and motto.

About Indian Historical Records Committee (IHRC):

  • The Indian Historical Records Committee (IHRC) is a national forum established in 1919, comprising creators, custodians, and users of records.
  • Its primary purpose is to advise the Government of India on matters related to record management and their utilization for historical research.


  • The National Archives of India, New Delhi, serves as the Secretariat for the IHRC, formerly known as the Indian Historical Records Committee since 1911.

Leadership and Membership:

  • Led by the Union Minister of Culture, the IHRC consists of 134 members, including government agencies, government-appointed nominees, representatives from State/UT Archives, universities, and learning institutions.
  • Over the years, the IHRC has convened 62 sessions.

Committee Structure: The IHRC operates with two adjunct bodies:

  • Editorial Committee: Responsible for reviewing and approving papers based on archival sources for presentation at committee sessions.
  • Standing Committee: Tasked with reviewing the implementation of committee recommendations and providing input on meeting agendas.
    • The Secretary of the Ministry of Culture chairs the Standing Committee of IHRC.
  • The Indian Historical Records Commission (IHRC) has adopted a new logo and motto recently.
  • The logo signifies the theme and uniqueness of IHRC entirely.
    • The pages in the shape of lotus petals represent IHRC as the resilient nodal institution for maintaining historical records.
    • The Sarnath pillar in the middle represents India's glorious past.
    • Brown as the colour theme reinforces the organization's mission of preserving, studying, and honouring India's historical records.
  • The motto translates as "Where history is preserved for the future."
    • The IHRC plays a vital role in identifying, collecting, cataloging, and maintaining historical documents, manuscripts other sources of historical information.
    • By doing so the Commission ensures that valuable historical knowledge is conserved for future generations.
  • The motto, therefore, reflects the Commission's commitment to ensuring the safeguarding of historical documents and making these accessible for the benefit of present and future generations.