AgriSURE Fund and Krishi Nivesh Portal

  • 04 Sep 2024

In News:

  • Recently, the Union agriculture minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan launched two initiatives — a fund aimed at boosting farm-sector startups, and a single-window portal to process investments — as part of a slew of measures being taken by Prime Minister Narendra Modi-led government in its third term to bolster the farm economy.

Key Details:

  • AgriSure is a ?750-crore fund established to support agricultural startups.
  • Krishi Nivesh Nidhi is a portal designed to expedite the clearance of project proposals.
  • Both initiatives aim to enhance farm incomes.

Awards for Credit Disbursal:

  • Scheduled banks were recognized for their credit disbursals under the government’s agriculture infrastructure fund.
  • First prize: State Bank of India (SBI).
  • Second prize: HDFC Bank.
  • Third prize: Canara Bank.

Significance of Agriculture Sector:

  • Agriculture contributes 16% to India’s GDP.
  • Farmers play a crucial role as both producers and consumers in the economy.

PM Modi’s Strategy to Double Farmers’ Incomes:

  • The strategy includes:
    • Increasing output.
    • Reducing input costs.
    • Ensuring profitable prices.
    • Promoting crop diversification.
    • Supporting natural farming.
    • Enhancing value addition to crops.

Details of AgriSure Fund:

  • Blended capital fund with a total corpus of ?750 crore:
  • ?250 crore each from the Department of Agriculture and NABARD.
  • ?250 crore to be raised from financial institutions.
  • Managed by NabVentures, a subsidiary of NABARD.
  • Provides both equity and debt support to startups and agripreneurs.
  • Focuses on high-risk, high-impact activities within the agriculture value chain.

Agriculture Infrastructure Fund:

  • Mobilized projects worth ?78,000 crore with ?45,000 crore in financing so far.
  • Expanded areas of coverage approved by the Union Cabinet on August 28.
  • Aims to create durable farm assets, such as warehouses and processing plants.
  • Can be used by agricultural produce marketing committees (APMCs) for market facility improvements.

Funding and Loan Details:

  • Part of the ?20-lakh crore stimulus package introduced during the Covid-19 pandemic.
  • Total funding of ?1 lakh crore over four years:
    • ?10,000 crore for 2020-21.
    • ?30,000 crore each for the subsequent three financial years.
  • Provides medium-to-long term debt financing for rural projects.
  • Interest subvention of 3% per annum on loans up to ?2 crore for seven years, with the government covering part of the interest.


First Drug to Treat Common, Lethal Liver Disease Gets US Nod

  • 16 Mar 2024

Why is it in the News?

Madrigal Pharmaceuticals Inc.’s drug Rezdiffra gained the first US approval to treat a potentially deadly liver disease that affects millions worldwide, succeeding in an area where some bigger rivals have failed.

What is Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH)?

  • Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a condition in which fat builds up in the liver.
  • NASH (or nonalcoholic steatohepatitis) is a type of NAFLD that can damage the liver.
  • NASH occurs when the fat buildup in the liver leads to inflammation (hepatitis) and scarring.
  • NASH can be life-threatening, as it can cause liver scarring (called cirrhosis) or liver cancer.
  • It is estimated that 3% to 5% of the global population is affected by NASH, though the disease is considered to be underdiagnosed.

Who gets NASH?

  • The condition may be hereditary.
  • If a person has family members who have had NASH or NAFLD, they are at risk.
  • Additionally, having certain health conditions may increase a person’s risk of developing NASH. These include:
    • Being overweight or obese.
    • Having high cholesterol or high triglyceride levels.
    • Having type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance, or prediabetes.

What are the signs and symptoms of NASH?

  • NASH is known as a “silent” disease because many people present with few or no symptoms.
  • However, some people will experience tiredness, pain, and discomfort in the upper right part of the abdomen.

How is NASH diagnosed?

  • Diagnosing NASH can be challenging because symptoms may not be noticeable until the disease progresses.
  • Healthcare providers typically suspect NASH based on abnormal blood or liver test results or imaging showing liver fat.
  • Confirmation requires a liver biopsy, an invasive procedure with risks and expenses, involving taking a small liver sample for microscopic examination.

How is NASH treated?

  • To manage NASH, losing weight is often recommended as it can reduce liver fat, inflammation, and scarring.
  • This involves losing around 3% to 5% of body weight by limiting fats and sugars in the diet.
  • Heavy alcohol use should also be avoided to prevent further liver damage.
  • If NASH progresses to cirrhosis, treatment may involve medications, medical procedures, or even a liver transplant.
  • Currently, there are no approved medications specifically for treating NASH, but ongoing research aims to develop new treatments.


Earth System Model (HT)

  • 10 Feb 2024

Why is it in the News?

The Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology is developing a first-for-India Earth System Model to improve climate forecasts and predict climate impacts.

What is an Earth System Model (ESM)?

  • An Earth System Model (ESM) is a complex computer program that simulates the interactions between the various components of our planet's climate system, including the atmosphere, oceans, land, ice, and biosphere.
  • These models are crucial for understanding past, present, and future climate trends, and are used for purposes like:
    • Improving weather forecasts: By accounting for intricate interactions between different parts of the Earth system, ESMs can potentially lead to more accurate weather predictions, particularly for longer-term forecasts.
    • Predicting climate change impacts: By simulating different scenarios of greenhouse gas emissions and other influencing factors, ESMs can project how climate change might affect specific regions and aspects like temperature, precipitation, and sea level rise.
    • Informing adaptation and mitigation strategies: With insights into potential climate impacts, policymakers and individuals can make informed decisions about adapting to and mitigating the effects of climate change.

India's Earth System Model:

  • Recognizing the importance of such models, India is currently developing its first-ever indigenous Earth System Model, led by the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM) and the Centre for Climate Change Research (CCCR).
  • An amount of ?192.28 crores has been sanctioned under the Monsoon Convection, Clouds and Climate Change (MC4) sub-scheme to develop the climate forecasting system
  • This project, funded by the Ministry of Earth Sciences, aims to:
    • Enhance forecast accuracy: The model will incorporate advanced features to improve the reliability of weather forecasts, particularly for monsoons that are crucial for India's agriculture.
    • Facilitate long-term climate studies: By simulating various climate scenarios, the model will provide valuable insights into potential future climate changes affecting India.
    • Predict climate impacts: This model will help assess the risks and potential impacts of climate change on various sectors like agriculture, water resources, and coastal ecosystems.
  • The project is expected to be completed by 2025 and is believed to be a significant step towards improving India's understanding and preparedness for the challenges posed by climate change.

About the Monsoon Convection, Clouds, and Climate Change (MC4) Sub-Scheme:

  • The MC4 initiative aims to enhance our understanding of monsoonal precipitation changes and their implications in a warming climate by enhancing observational databases and climate models.
  • Its overarching objective is to refine our understanding of the interactions between monsoon dynamics, clouds, aerosols, precipitation, and the water cycle within a changing climate context.

The nodal ministry overseeing this effort is the Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES).

What is an Earth System Model (ESM)?

  • An Earth System Model (ESM) is a complex computer program that simulates the interactions between the various components of our planet's climate system, including the atmosphere, oceans, land, ice, and biosphere.
  • These models are crucial for understanding past, present, and future climate trends, and are used for purposes like:
    • Improving weather forecasts: By accounting for intricate interactions between different parts of the Earth system, ESMs can potentially lead to more accurate weather predictions, particularly for longer-term forecasts.
    • Predicting climate change impacts: By simulating different scenarios of greenhouse gas emissions and other influencing factors, ESMs can project how climate change might affect specific regions and aspects like temperature, precipitation, and sea level rise.
    • Informing adaptation and mitigation strategies: With insights into potential climate impacts, policymakers and individuals can make informed decisions about adapting to and mitigating the effects of climate change.

India's Earth System Model:

  • Recognizing the importance of such models, India is currently developing its first-ever indigenous Earth System Model, led by the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM) and the Centre for Climate Change Research (CCCR).
  • An amount of ?192.28 crores has been sanctioned under the Monsoon Convection, Clouds and Climate Change (MC4) sub-scheme to develop the climate forecasting system
  • This project, funded by the Ministry of Earth Sciences, aims to:
    • Enhance forecast accuracy: The model will incorporate advanced features to improve the reliability of weather forecasts, particularly for monsoons that are crucial for India's agriculture.
    • Facilitate long-term climate studies: By simulating various climate scenarios, the model will provide valuable insights into potential future climate changes affecting India.
    • Predict climate impacts: This model will help assess the risks and potential impacts of climate change on various sectors like agriculture, water resources, and coastal ecosystems.
  • The project is expected to be completed by 2025 and is believed to be a significant step towards improving India's understanding and preparedness for the challenges posed by climate change.

About the Monsoon Convection, Clouds, and Climate Change (MC4) Sub-Scheme:

The MC4 initiative aims to enhance our understanding of monsoonal precipitation changes and their implications in a warming climate by enhancing observational databases and climate models.

  • Its overarching objective is to refine our understanding of the interactions between monsoon dynamics, clouds, aerosols, precipitation, and the water cycle within a changing climate context.
  • The nodal ministry overseeing this effort is the Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES).

Rare Golden Tiger takes a stroll in Assam’s Kaziranga National Park, video stuns people (HT)

  • 27 Jan 2024

Why is it in the News?

A rare golden tiger was recently spotted in Kaziranga National Park taking a stroll and is the only known golden big cat in India.

What is a Golden Tiger?

  • A Golden Tiger, also called a Golden Tabby Tiger, is a Bengal tiger with a unique colour variation caused by a recessive gene.
  • The tiger looks golden because it has a mutation or a genetic variant.
    • Basically, tigers have three colours: black, orange and white.
  • In the Golden Tiger, the black colour is missing and it is slightly faded.
    • The golden colouring of these tigers comes from a recessive trait called 'wideband,' affecting how black pigments are produced during hair growth.
  • Golden tigers are not a distinct subspecies but rather a product of genetic diversity among Bengal tigers.
  • They are extremely rare in the wild and even more so in captivity.

About Kaziranga National Park:

  • Kaziranga National Park lies partly in the Golaghat District and partly in the Nagaon District of Assam.
  • It is the oldest park in Assam and covers an area of 430 sq km along the river Brahmaputra on the North and the Karbi Anglong hills on the South.
  • The National Highway 37 passes through the park area and tea estates, hemmed by table-top tea bushes.
  • Kaziranga National Park a world heritage site is famous for the Great Indian one-horned rhinoceros, the landscape of Kaziranga is of sheer forest, tall elephant grass, rugged reeds, marshes & shallow pools.
    • It was declared a National Park in 1974.
  • It is one of the last areas in eastern India undisturbed by a human presence.
  • It is inhabited by the world's largest population of one-horned rhinoceroses, as well as many mammals, including tigers, elephants, panthers and bears, and thousands of birds.
  • Vegetation: Due to the difference in altitude between the eastern and western areas of the park, mainly four main types of vegetation’ like alluvial inundated grasslands, alluvial savanna woodlands, tropical moist mixed deciduous forests, and tropical semi-evergreen forests.
  • Flora: Kumbhi, Indian gooseberry, cotton tree, and elephant Apple are among the famous trees that can be seen in the park.
  • Fauna: The forest region of Kaziranga Park is home to the world’s largest population of Indian Rhinoceros.
    • Other animals that can be seen in the elephant grass, marshland and dense tropical moist broadleaf forests of Kaziranga are Hoolock Gibbon, Tiger, Leopard, Indian Elephant, Sloth Bear, Wild water buffalo, swamp deer, etc.
    • Also in this park the good number of migratory bird species from Central Asia.
  • With the increase in tiger population every year, the government authorities declared Kaziranga a Tiger Reserve in the year 2006.

PM Modi announces solar roof-top scheme for one crore households (HT)

  • 23 Jan 2024

Why is it in the News?

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday announced the 'Pradhan Mantri Suryodaya Yojana' under which one crore households will get rooftop solar across the nation.

What is 'Pradhan Mantri Suryodaya Yojana'?

  • The scheme aims to equip one crore poor to middle-class households with rooftop solar panels in a bit to provide electricity from solar energy.
  • The scheme would not only reduce the electricity bill of the poor and middle class but would also make India self-reliant in the energy sector.
    • Rooftop solar panels are the photovoltaic panels installed on the roof of a building which is connected to the main power supply unit.
    • Thus, it reduces the consumption of grid-connected electricity and saves electricity costs for the consumer.
    • In a solar rooftop system, there is only an upfront capital investment and minimal cost for maintenance.
  • Under this scheme, one crore households will get solar rooftops.
  • Moreover, it will offer additional income for surplus electricity generation.
  • The consumer can choose any vendor on the national portal and after installation, the subsidy is sent directly to the bank account of the consumer.
  • The Pradhanmantri Suryodaya Yojana is a new scheme but very similar to the previously announced Rooftop Solar Programme in 2014.
    • The previous scheme had aimed to produce 40,000 megawatts (MW) or 40 gigawatts (GW) of solar power by 2022.

India's Advancements in Solar Energy:

  • At the end of last year, 2023, India’s solar power generation stood at 73.31 GW, up from 2022’s 63.3 GW.
    • However, rooftop solar power generation only stands at around 11.08 GW as of December 2023.
  • The total solar power generated in the nation, Rajasthan leads the pack with 18.7 GW while Gujarat follows with 10.5 GW.
    • However, when talking about rooftop solar power, Gujarat is at peak position — with 2.8 GW — followed by Maharashtra at 1.7 GW.
  • India has more than 300 million households and an average of 300 sunny days each year, which has tremendous potential for rooftop solar installations in residential spaces.
  • However, experts note that despite several measures, India’s rooftop solar power generation is not where it should be, listing reasons for the situation.
    • The primary reason for rooftop solar not becoming popular is that it is still an expensive option for many.
    • There is also a lack of awareness.

Importance of Solar Power to India:

  • Harnessing the power of the sun to generate electricity is important to India for multiple reasons.
  • If India wants to achieve its aim of becoming net zero by 2070, it has to look towards the sun.
  • In fact, at COP26, in November 2021, India committed to meet 50 per cent of its electricity requirements from renewable energy sources by 2030.
    • For these aims to be met, India has to harness the full capacity of the sun.
  • Moreover, India’s share of global energy demand is predicted to double to 11 per cent in 2040, making it imperative to enhance energy security and self-sufficiency in power generation without increasing environmental costs.
    • This increase in power demand is likely to increase India’s reliance on coal, oil and natural gas as a source of energy.
  • However, additional imports of oil and increased domestic production of coal will not only fall short of energy demand but will also entail economic and environmental costs.
    • The expansion of solar power units and increased reliance on solar power allow India to enhance energy security in the face of rising demand.
  • Furthermore, India is already facing depleting groundwater levels, owing to which the nation must shift its energy resources away from water.


: In a first, India set to chair, and host UNESCO's World Heritage Committee session in Delhi (HT)

  • 09 Jan 2024

Why is it in the News?

In a historic development, India is poised to chair and host UNESCO's World Heritage Committee session in New Delhi from July 21 to 31 this year, the Permanent Representative of India to UNESCO.

About the World Heritage Committee:

  • The World Heritage Committee operates as a subsidiary of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).
  • Its primary responsibilities encompass executing the World Heritage Convention, determining the utilization of the World Heritage Fund, and disbursing financial assistance in response to requests from States Parties.
  • The committee holds authoritative decision-making power regarding the inscription of properties on the World Heritage List, scrutinizes reports on the conservation status of listed properties, and prompts States Parties to rectify mismanagement issues.
  • Additionally, it plays a pivotal role in determining the inclusion or removal of properties on the List of World Heritage in Danger.
  • Structure:
  • Comprising representatives from 21 States Parties elected by their General Assembly, the Committee operates with members serving six-year terms.
    • However, many state parties opt for a four-year term voluntarily, allowing other state parties an opportunity to participate on the committee.
  • Bureau of the World Heritage Committee:
  • The Bureau, consisting of seven state parties elected annually by the Committee, includes a Chairperson, five Vice-Chairpersons, and a Rapporteur.
    • This body is responsible for coordinating the Committee's activities, determining meeting schedules, and organizing the agenda.

What is UNESCO?

  • The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) stands as a specialized agency within the United Nations (UN), dedicated to fostering global peace and security through collaborative efforts in education, arts, sciences, and culture.
  • Established in 1945 as the successor to the League of Nations' International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation, UNESCO boasts a membership of 193 states and 11 associate members, along with partnerships in the non-governmental, intergovernmental, and private sectors.
  • The organization is headquartered at the World Heritage Centre in Paris.
  • UNESCO's foundational mission is to promote peace, sustainable development, and human rights by fostering cooperation and dialogue among nations.
  • It pursues this overarching goal through five primary program areas: Education, Natural Sciences, Social/Human Sciences, Culture, and Communication/Information.
  • The governance of UNESCO lies in the hands of the General Conference, comprising member states and associate members, convening biannually to establish the agency's programs and budget.
  • The General Conference also elects members of the Executive Board, responsible for managing UNESCO's initiatives.
  • Every four years, the Director-General is appointed by the General Conference to serve as the chief administrator of UNESCO.
  • India has been a founding member of UNESCO, having ratified UNESCO’s Constitution on 4th November 1946.


Bhimashankar Temple (HT)

  • 19 Oct 2023

Why in the News?

Tensions escalated at the Bhimashankar temple recently as a dispute unfolded between two groups of religious leaders, referred to as pujaris, regarding the leadership of the puja ceremony, leading to a brawl.

Bhimashankar Temple Overview:

  • The Bhimashankar Temple is an ancient Hindu shrine dedicated to Lord Shiva, located amidst the Sahyadri hills in the Pune District of Maharashtra.
  • Recognized as one of the 12 holy Jyotirlinga shrines in India, it holds immense spiritual significance.
  • In recent times, it has gained additional importance as it was designated a "Wildlife Sanctuary," forming part of the Western Ghats and serving as the source of the Bhima River.

Historical Significance:

  • Constructed around the 13th century, the temple is a testament to the craftsmanship of Vishwakarma sculptors.
  • Subsequent enhancements, including the addition of spires (shikhara) by Maratha Empire statesman Nana Phadnavis in the 18th century, contribute to its historical evolution.
  • Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, the Maratha ruler, is believed to have played a role in fostering worship at the temple through his endowments.

Architectural Marvel:

  • A blend of old and new structures in the Nagara style of architecture, the Bhimashankar Temple boasts spacious courtyards, intricate wall carvings, and imposing pillars.
  • The sanctum, or Garbhgriha, houses the sacred Jyotirlinga, positioned at a lower level. The Swayambhoo, a self-emanated Shiv Linga, holds a central place in the Sanctum Sanctorum.
  • Exquisite mythological carvings adorn the massive pillars and doorframes, depicting divine figures and sacred symbols.
  • Additionally, the temple encompasses an ancient shrine dedicated to Lord Shani, considered auspicious by devotees, and features the revered Nandi statue at its entrance.

What are Jyotirlingas?

  • Jyotirlingas are shrines where Lord Shiva is worshipped in the form of a Jyotirlingam, representing different manifestations of the deity.
  • Among the 12 main Jyotirlingas in India, Bhimashankar Jyotirlinga is one.
  • Each of these sacred shrines is named after its presiding deity and holds unique spiritual significance for devotees across the country:
  • Somnath Jyotirlinga in Gir, Gujarat
  • Mallikarjuna Jyotirlinga in Srisailam, Andhra Pradesh
  • Mahakaleshwar Jyotirlinga in Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh
  • Omkareshwar Jyotirlinga in Khandwa, Madhya Pradesh
  • Baidyanath Jyotirlinga in Deoghar, Jharkhand
  • Bhimashankar Jyotirlinga in Maharashtra
  • Ramanathaswamy Jyotirlinga in Rameshwaram, Tamil Nadu
  • Nageshwar Jyotirlinga in Dwarka, Gujarat
  • Kashi Vishwanath Jyotirlinga in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh
  • Trimbakeshwar Jyotirlinga in Nasik, Maharashtra
  • Kedarnath Jyotirlinga in Rudraprayag, Uttarakhand
  • Ghrishneshwar Jyotirlinga in Aurangabad, Maharashtra

New Plant Species Curcuma kakchingense Discovered in Manipur (HT)

  • 17 Oct 2023

Why in the News?

In a remarkable botanical discovery, a team of researchers from the Department of Life Sciences at Manipur University and Kwaklei and Khonggunmelei Orchids Pvt. Ltd. has unveiled a hitherto unknown plant species named "Curcuma kakchingense."

About Curcuma Kakchingense:

  • Recently identified flowering plant species in Manipur, belong to the Zingiberaceae family.
  • Member of the angiospermic family Zingiberaceae, which includes well-known plants like turmeric, gingers, and cardamom.
  • Plant Characteristics: Robust plant reaching a height of eight feet, characterized by large terminal inflorescence.
  • Natural Habitat: Thrives along the banks of the Sekmai River in the Kakching District of Manipur.
  • Resemblance to Other Species: Bears a striking resemblance to local "Yaingung" (Curcuma longa) and Curcuma phrayawan from Thailand.
  • Distinguished by lemon-yellow rhizomes with a notably bitter taste.
  • IUCN Red List Classification: Classified as "Data Deficient" (DD) under the IUCN Red List category.

Importance of Curcuma Plants:

  • Culinary and Traditional Uses: Various Curcuma species, including turmeric (Curcuma longa), play a vital role in cuisines, traditional medicines, spices, and dyes.
  • Biological Activities: Curcumin and curcuminoids found in Curcuma species are nontoxic polyphenolic compounds with diverse biological activities.
  • Pharmacological Properties: Essential oil of Curcuma species possesses pharmacological properties, including anti-inflammatory, anti-cancerous, anti-diabetic, and anti-microbial effects.
  • Versatile Applications: Widely utilized in cosmetics, perfumes, and as ornamental plants, contributing to various industries and daily life.

Hailstorms Damage Apple Orchards in Kulgam, Shopian (HT)

  • 16 Oct 2023

Why in the News?

A hailstorm in the evening caused massive damage to the crops and fruits in south Kashmir’s Kulgam and Shopian districts. Residents said the hailstorm damaged the apple fruit which was ready for harvesting.

What are Hailstorms?

  • Hail, a solid form of rain composed of ice balls or lumps, leads to the formation of hailstorms when they descend to the ground.
  • Typically lasting around 15 minutes, these storms can inflict injuries and damage to structures, vehicles, and more, particularly prevalent in midlatitude regions.
  • Hailstorms occasionally coincide with other severe weather phenomena such as cyclones and tornadoes.
  • The size of hailstones varies widely, ranging from small pellets under 1/4 inch to larger stones measuring several inches in diameter.
  • Conditions: Conditions conducive to hailstorm occurrence involve the presence of highly developed Cumulonimbus clouds, massive anvil-shaped formations observed during thunderstorms that can reach heights of up to 65,000 feet.
  • Strong updrafts, or ascending air currents within these clouds, and high concentrations of supercooled liquid water are essential elements.
  • Formation of Hail: Hail formation begins with a water droplet lifted by an updraft inside a thundercloud.
  • As it ascends, supercooled water droplets adhere to its surface, creating layers of ice.
  • With continued ascent, the hail embryo grows by accumulating more supercooled particles until gravity pulls it down.
  • Large hailstones often display alternating layers of clear and opaque ice due to irregular rates of freezing during their development.

New Toad Species Discovered in Dampa Tiger Reserve of Mizoram (HT)

  • 12 Oct 2023

Why in the News?

A group of scientists from India and the United Kingdom have discovered a new species of toads, the third of a genus found only in a very narrow area in northeast India.

About the Recently Discovered Toad Species:

  • This newfound toad species, belonging to the bufoides genus, marks the third identified within a limited area in northeast India.
  • Distinguished by its interdigital webbing, unique colouration, skin tuberculation, and the existence of ovoid, tuberculated, and depressed parotid glands, this species adds to the diversity of its genus.
  • The preceding species from the same genus, Bufoides meghalayanus and Bufoides kempi, were previously identified in the region of Meghalaya.
  • In recognition of its discovery and to honour the significant contributions of the renowned herpetologist S. Bhupathy, this new species has been aptly named after him.

About the Dampa Tiger Reserve:

  • Situated in the Lushai Hills on the western side of Mizoram, the Dampa Tiger Reserve holds significance for its unique features.
  • Establishment: Designated as a tiger reserve in 1994 under the Project Tiger initiative.
  • Geographical Boundaries: Bordered on the west by the Chittagong hill tracts (Sazek hill range) of Bangladesh.
  • The terrain is characterized by hills, with elevations ranging from 49 to 1095 meters above mean sea level.
  • Prominent peaks include Chhawrpialtlang (1095m), Dampatlang (869m), and Pathlawilunglentlang (780m).
  • Vegetation Diversity: Encompassing tropical evergreen to semi-evergreen forests, the reserve boasts a diverse range of vegetation.
  • River Systems: Drained by the Khawthlangtuipui River in the west and the Teirei River in the east, with tributaries like Keisalam, Seling, and Aivapui flowing through the reserve.
  • Fauna: Diverse mammalian species inhabit the reserve, including Hoolock Gibbon, Rhesus Macaque, Assamese Macaque, Pig-Tailed Macaque, Stump-Tailed Macaque, and Phayre’s Leaf Monkey.
  • Flora: The reserve boasts a rich flora, featuring species such as Dipterocarpus turbinatus, Dipterocarpus marcocarpus, Terminalia myriocarpa, and Michelia champaca, among others.

New Ensign for the Indian Air Force (HT)

  • 09 Oct 2023

Why in the News?

Indian Air Force (IAF) Chief Air Chief Marshal (ACM) Vivek Ram Chaudhari on Sunday unveiled a new Ensign for the force, as it marked its 91st anniversary, by the inclusion of the Air Force Crest in the top right corner of the Ensign, towards the fly side.

About the Indian Air Force (IAF) Ensign:

  • The new IAF Ensign exclusively incorporates the IAF Crest, featuring distinctive elements that symbolize the spirit and ethos of the Indian Air Force.

Key Elements:

  • IAF Crest: The crest prominently showcases the national symbol, the Ashoka Lion, atop, with "Satyamev Jayate" in the Devanagari script beneath.
  • Himalayan Eagle: Positioned below the Ashoka Lion, a Himalayan eagle with outstretched wings symbolizes the formidable fighting spirit of the IAF.
  • Light Blue Ring: Encircling the Himalayan eagle, a light blue ring bears the words "Indian Air Force."
  • IAF Motto: Derived from the Bhagavad Gita, the motto "Nabha Sparsham Deeptam" (touching the sky with glory) is inscribed in golden Devanagari below the eagle.
  • The IAF crest serves as a powerful symbol of inspiration and encouragement.


  • IAF has adopted various crests for commands, squadrons, and other establishments, all adhering to a standard frame featuring the formation sign and a motto at the foot.

Historical Evolution:

  • British Era: During the British era, the IAF was known as the Royal Indian Air Force, and its ensign featured the Union Jack and the RIAF roundel.
  • Post-Independence: The current IAF Ensign, created post-independence, replaces the Union Jack with the Indian tricolour and the RAF roundels with the IAF tri-colour roundel in the lower right canton.

Atmospheric Perturbations around the Eclipse Path (APEP) mission (HT)

  • 07 Oct 2023

Why in the News?

Dr Aroh Barjatya, an Indian-origin scientist is set to lead the multi-institution NASA rocket mission on October 14.

About Atmospheric Perturbations around the Eclipse Path (APEP) mission:

  • The APEP mission entails the launch of three rockets, each equipped with scientific instruments, to explore changes in the upper atmosphere during a solar eclipse, particularly during the critical phase of sudden light reduction.
  • Mission Objective: To investigate alterations in the ionosphere induced by the abrupt decrease in sunlight during an eclipse, leading to the generation of waves in this atmospheric layer.
  • Measurements will encompass changes in electric and magnetic fields, as well as variations in density and temperature.
  • Launch Details: The launch site is the White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico, with a specific focus on studying the ionosphere's response during an eclipse.
  • Potential Impact on Communications: NASA notes projections indicating a temperature and density reduction in the ionosphere during the eclipse, potentially causing disruptive wave disturbances that could affect GPS and satellite communications.
  • Process: Rockets will be strategically positioned just beyond the path of annularity, where the Moon directly aligns with the Sun.
  • Each rocket will deploy four compact scientific instruments designed to capture data on electric and magnetic fields, density, and temperature changes.
  • NASA's primary objective is to achieve unprecedented simultaneous measurements from multiple ionospheric locations during a solar eclipse.
  • Rationale for Rocket Selection: Sounding rockets were chosen for their precision in pinpointing and measuring specific regions of space.
  • Their ability to investigate lower altitudes, inaccessible to satellites, makes them ideal for this mission.
  • Sounding rockets offer precise data recording as they ascend and descend during suborbital flights, covering altitudes ranging from 45 to 200 miles (70 to 325 kilometres) above Earth's surface along their flight path.

The E Prime Layer (HT)

  • 21 Nov 2023

Why is it in the News?

Recently, an international team of scientists found a new mysterious layer called the E prime layer on the outer part of the Earth's core.

About the E Prime Layer:

  • Before, it was thought that there's only a small exchange of materials between the Earth's core and mantle.
  • However, experiments showed that when water reaches the boundary between the core and mantle, it reacts with silicon in the core and creates silica.

Development of this Layer:

  • New research proposes that over billions of years, tectonic plates carrying surface water transported it deep into the Earth.
  • When this water reaches about 1,800 miles below the surface at the core-mantle boundary, it triggers significant chemical changes, affecting the core's structure.
  • Scientists observed that under high pressure, subducted water chemically reacts with core materials.
  • This reaction forms a hydrogen-rich, silicon-depleted layer on the outer core, resembling a film.
  • Silica crystals produced in this process rise and mix into the mantle, impacting the overall composition.
  • Changes in the liquid metallic layer could potentially lead to reduced density and altered seismic characteristics, consistent with anomalies detected by seismologists.

Importance of this Discovery:

  • This finding deepens researchers' understanding of the Earth's internal workings, revealing a more extensive and complex global water cycle than previously known.
  • The altered core layer has significant implications for the interconnected geochemical processes that link surface water cycles with the deep metallic core.

What is ROV ‘Daksh’? (HT)

  • 21 Nov 2023

Why is it in the News?

The Defence Research Development Organisation's robotics team utilized the Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) Daksh to aid in the ongoing rescue operations during the Uttarakhand tunnel collapse.

What is ROV Daksh?

  • Daksh is a remotely operated vehicle (ROV), designed by the Defence Research & Development Organisation (DRDO) for the recovery of unexploded bombs.
  • It can negotiate various hurdles in an urban setting and can also be utilised to survey and monitor nuclear and chemical contamination levels.
  • 90% of its components are indigenous.
  • It has ladder climbing abilities and can function for three continuous hours, with the capability to operate over distances exceeding 100 to 500 meters.
  • It serves the bomb disposal units (BDU) of an army, police, and paramilitary forces, aiding in handling IEDs and other dangerous substances.
  • Its manipulator arm can handle hazardous objects weighing up to 20kg from 2.5 meters and 9kg from 4 meters away.
  • Daksh demonstrates the ability to climb stairs and maneuver steep slopes, with durable rubber wheels capable of withstanding blast impacts.
  • It is equipped with multiple cameras, IED handling tools, nuclear biological chemical (NBC) reconnaissance systems, a master control station (MCS), and a shotgun.
  • The equipment is specifically designed for use on a motorized pan-tilt platform, which can help reach the risky terrain.

Vadhavan Port (HT)

  • 14 Nov 2023

Why in the News?

The Vadhavan Port Project Ltd. (VPPL) has started the procedures to build a port with an estimated cost of ?76,220 crore. Public hearings are expected to commence in the coming months.

About Vadhavan Port:

  • The Vadhavan Port is a proposed deep-sea port to be located in Palghar District, Maharashtra.
  • It is expected to be one of the largest ports in the world, with a capacity to handle over 20 million TEUs (twenty-foot equivalent units) of containers per year.
  • The port is being developed by a joint venture between the Jawaharlal Nehru Port Authority (JNPA) and the Maharashtra Maritime Board (MMB).
  • The Vadhavan Port is being designed as a "green port" with a focus on sustainability.
  • The port will use renewable energy sources and implement energy efficiency measures.
  • The port will also have a dedicated waste management system to minimize environmental impact.
  • It is expected to be operational by 2040 and is a critical project for India's economic growth and development.
  • The Vadhavan Port is expected to be a major boost to the Indian economy.
  • It will create thousands of jobs and attract billions of dollars in investment.
  • The port will also help to reduce congestion at the JNPA, which is currently India's busiest container port.
  • The Vadhavan Port is a major infrastructure project that is expected to have a significant impact on India's economy and society.

Kaleshwaram Lift Irrigation Project (KLIP) (HT)

  • 04 Nov 2023

Why in the News?

A controversy over alleged engineering lapses in the ?1 lakh crore Kaleshwaram lift irrigation project on the Godavari river triggered an electoral slugfest in poll-bound Telangana.

About Kaleshwaram Lift Irrigation Project (KLIP):

  • Location: The Kaleshwaram Lift Irrigation Project (KLIP) is situated at Kaleshwaram village in Telangana, along the Godavari River.
  • Confluence Point: It is located at the confluence of the Pranhita and Godavari Rivers.
  • At this confluence, the Wardha, Painganga, and Wainganga rivers also meet, forming the seventh-largest drainage basin in the subcontinent.
  • Originally called Pranahita-Chevella project in erstwhile Andhra Pradesh, it was redesigned, extended and renamed as Kaleshwaram project in Telangana in 2014.
  • KLIP is known as the world's largest multi-stage and multi-purpose lift irrigation project.
  • A significant feature of KLIP includes a series of underground and surface water pumping stations, claimed to be the world's largest of their kind.
  • This lift irrigation system stretches over 300 kilometers and moves large volumes of water from rivers or reservoirs to be distributed through channels and additional reservoirs before reaching the next stations.
  • Objective: The project's goal is to provide water to 45 lakh acres of land in Telangana for irrigation and drinking water.
  • KLIP started in 2016 and will utilise approximately 283 thousand million cubic feet (TMC) of water from the Godavari River to serve 13 districts in Telangana.

World Food India 2023 (HT)

  • 04 Nov 2023

Why in the News?

Prime Minister Narendra Modi stated that India's food diversity benefits investors worldwide as he inaugurated the second edition of "World Food India 2023" at Bharat Mandapam in Delhi recently.

What is World Food India 2023?

  • World Food India 2023 provides a gateway of access to the Indian food market, promoting collaborations between domestic and foreign investors.
  • It is organized by India's Ministry of Food Processing Industries in New Delhi from November 3rd to 5th.
  • Objective: It aims to exhibit India's rich food culture and attract global investments in the food processing sector.
  • The event brings together manufacturers, producers, investors, policymakers, and organizations from around the world involved in the food industry.
  • Key Areas of Focus: The event is focused on leveraging millets as a superfood, positioning India as a global hub for food processing, unlocking growth potential in strategic segments, establishing an efficient ecosystem, and promoting sustainable development.
  • India's Vision: This event aligns with India's vision to become a global leader in the food processing industry, highlighting the country's production, consumption, and export potential across various food sectors.
  • India is taking steps to create an inclusive and sustainable ecosystem, attract foreign investment, and improve the ease of doing business in the food processing sector.
  • Notably, the first edition of World Food India took place in 2017.
  • India is a global leader in the production of various agricultural products, such as milk, bananas, mangoes, papayas, guavas, ginger, okra, and buffalo meat.
  • It also ranks second in the production of rice, wheat, potatoes, garlic, and cashew nuts.
  • Moreover, the United Nations has declared 2023 as the International Year of Millets (IYM 2023) with the goal of increasing millet production and consumption worldwide.

Voyager 2 Spacecraft (HT)

  • 31 Jul 2023

Why in the News?

NASA’'s Voyager 2 spacecraft, which is venturing through space between stars, faces communication problems due to antenna misalignment. .

About Voyager 2 Spacecraft:

  • Voyager 2 is an iconic interplanetary spacecraft launched by NASA on August 20, 1977, with the primary objective of exploring the outer planets of our solar system.
  • It is part of the Voyager program, and along with its twin, Voyager 1, it has provided invaluable insights into the distant regions of our cosmic neighborhood.
  • The spacecraft is equipped with a suite of scientific instruments to study various aspects of the planets it encounters, including their atmospheres, magnetic fields, and planetary surfaces.
  • Voyager 2 successfully conducted close flybys of Jupiter in 1979, Saturn in 1981, Uranus in 1986, and Neptune in 1989, becoming the first and only spacecraft to visit these four giant gas planets.
  • Beyond its initial mission, Voyager 2 continues to be operational and remains in communication with Earth, traveling at an impressive speed of approximately 34,000 miles per hour (55,000 kilometers per hour).
  • It has since left the heliosphere, the region influenced by the Sun's magnetic field, and entered interstellar space, becoming the second human-made object to do so after Voyager 1.
  • Throughout its journey, Voyager 2 has provided a wealth of data and discoveries about the outer planets and their moons, as well as valuable information about the space environment outside the solar system.
  • It has captured breathtaking images of planetary systems, revealing the beauty and complexity of the outer planets and their fascinating moons.
  • The spacecraft continues to be a remarkable testament to human ingenuity and curiosity as it ventures farther into the cosmos, providing us with an enduring legacy of exploration and knowledge about our celestial neighbors.

Basohli Pashmina is Recognized with GI Tag (HT)

  • 04 Oct 2023

Why in the News?

Recently, Basohli Pashmina, a traditional craft with over a century of history from the Kathua district in Jammu and Kashmir, has been granted the Geographical Indication (GI) tag.

About Basohli Pashmina:

  • Basohli Pashmina is renowned for its exceptional softness, fineness, lightweight quality, insulation, and durability.
  • Pashmina products include shawls, mufflers, blankets, and baskets.
  • Pashmina is a premium variety of cashmere, obtained from the fine undercoat of the Changthangi mountain goats.
  • These goats are found on the Changthang Plateau in Tibet and parts of Ladakh.
  • The Changpa people, who are nomads living on the Changthang plateau of Tibet, are traditional producers of pashmina wool.