‘Garba Of Gujarat’ Declared as Intangible Cultural Heritage by UNESCO (Indian Express)

  • 07 Dec 2023

Why is it in the News?

Garba, the folk art of Gujarat, receives the intangible cultural heritage of humanity (ICH) tag from Unesco.


  • 'Garba of Gujarat' has been inscribed in the Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) of Humanity by UNESCO.
  • The decision was taken at the 18th session of the UNESCO’s Intergovernmental Committee for Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage held in the Republic of Botswana.
  • Garba of Gujarat is the 15th ICH element from India to join this list.
  • This inscription underscores Garba’s pivotal role as a unifying force that fosters social and gender inclusivity.

About Garba Dance:

  • Garba is a ritualistic and devotional dance deeply rooted in the traditions of Gujarat, India.
  • This vibrant dance is a central part of the nine-day Navratri festival, dedicated to the worship of feminine energy or Shakti.
  • The cultural richness of Garba vividly expresses the divine feminine through its performances and visuals.
  • Taking place in various settings, from homes and temple courtyards to public spaces, streets, and open grounds, Garba transforms into a widespread, inclusive community celebration.
  • Beyond its religious significance, Garba serves as a social equalizer, breaking down barriers related to socio-economic status, gender, and sect divisions.
  • This inclusive dance form fosters community unity, bringing together diverse and marginalized groups and reinforcing social bonds.
  • Notably, Garba holds the distinction of being the 15th cultural element from India to be recognized by UNESCO.

What is Intangible Cultural Heritage?

  • Cultural heritage extends beyond physical structures and object collections.
  • It encompasses traditions and living expressions transmitted from our forebears to descendants.
  • This includes oral traditions, performing arts, social practices, rituals, festive events, and the knowledge associated with nature, the universe, as well as the skills involved in traditional craftsmanship.