How the new Education Ministry guidelines will affect the coaching institutes (HT)

  • 20 Jan 2024

Why is it in the News?

Taking cognisance of coaching centres charging exorbitant fees from students, promoting unhealthy competition and stress among students, and a rise in student suicides and other malpractices, a set of new guidelines were released by the Education Ministry.

Guidelines for Registration and Regulation of Coaching Centers 2024:

  • The guidelines define a 'coaching centre' as an establishment providing coaching for study programs, competitive exams, or academic support to more than 50 students at the school, college, and university levels, established, run, or administered by any person.

Key aspects of the guidelines include:

  • Registration Process: Coaching centres must apply for registration within their local jurisdiction, adhering to specified forms, fees, and document requirements.
    • Each branch of a coaching centre is considered a separate entity, requiring individual registration.
  • Marketing Standards: Coaching centres are prohibited from making misleading promises or guarantees regarding ranks or marks.
    • Transparency is mandated, with centres required to maintain an updated website containing detailed information.
  • Student Enrollment: Students below the age of 16 are not permitted for enrolment, and entry is allowed only after the completion of secondary school examinations.
  • Fee Structure: Tuition fees must be fair, with detailed receipts provided.
    • A comprehensive prospectus must include information on courses, duration, facilities, fees, and refund procedures. Any fee increase during the course is prohibited.
  • Exit Policy: Pro-rata refunds are mandated within 10 days for mid-course withdrawals.
  • Infrastructure Requirements: Coaching centres must allocate a minimum of one square meter per student.
    • Compliance with fire safety and building codes is essential, along with proper electrification, ventilation, lighting, security measures, and medical assistance.
  • Study Hours: Classes should not coincide with school hours, and weekly off for students and tutors is mandatory.
    • Class sizes must align with a healthy teacher-student ratio.
  • Mental Wellbeing: Centers should establish mechanisms for immediate intervention and counselling for students in distress.
  • Complaint Mechanism: Students, parents, or tutors/employees can file complaints, to be resolved within thirty days by the competent authority or an inquiry committee.
  • Penalties: Penalties for violations include ?25,000 for the first offence, ?1 lakh for the second, and registration revocation for subsequent breaches.